December 9, 2011

about Deborah to orphans

I`m very happy to tell that we could visit several orphanages yesterday and today.We had very blessed time with kids!Also we are going to visit one more orphanage tomorrow, if God`s will.About our visitings I will share with you a little bit later.Here I would like to tell you about one of ours visiting that we had last week.

Do you see this beautiful girl who is sitting under a palm tree?She was Deborah.Yes, we told a Bible story about Deborah, woman-warrior to children who dwelt under palm tree and who was a prophetess and judge too.In Bible this story is in Judges 4. Children were amazed and surprised to hear that!!!They loved this strory!

After prayer and song we had object lesson.We showed a picture of chariot to them and spoke a bit about it.
What do you think, for whom it is easier to winning for infantryman of the warrior or who has a chariot?Why? etc.

After that they listened of  the story.We have decided to tell this story in roles where there were Devora, Sisera and Barak.
The Lord has blessed with it we could make a palm tree that it would be more interesting to children. We have made leaves with of the big sheets of foam. Thanks to those who has blessed us with big sheets of foam! And we have made a tree trunk(body) with of a cardboard pipe which we have asked in shop for fabrics. Usually on this pipe reel up the big rolls of fabrics. God has blessed that we have got several of it free of charge. :) We colored it, have added leaves and we had palm tree.Children were amazed and said: "Oh, we have palm tree!That is unusual!"

Kids were excited very much to play roles of this story but others were excited to listen and it was fun!

Then we had a game, where children should to give the right answer on a question on Bible history. We named this game, Help a palm tree to blossom. As our palm tree was without leaves, children helped to blossom to it by means of their answers. :) Who has given the right answer, had the right to attach a palm leaf.

They loved much this game!

But children were more amazed and impressed when they saw Bible verse which we were going to learn with them!!! Wow!That is nice!Oh, look it is Deborah and palm tree! and many different speeches you could hear! :)
The verse we learned with the was "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree..."Psalm 92:12In Russian Bibles Psalm 91:13
We printed big picture of Deborah with warriors where is Bible verse too and colored it.Also we made palm tree there, leaves were made from foam too that we can use it in many orphanages. :)

Then they did a craft, Deborah under a palm tree. Very much it was pleasant to them, as the craft was unusual and it was easy to do it for them.

We were so blessed by spent time with them and telling about Bible heroes!We thanks and praise God!

At this time Sasha and Lyuba had time with teens.I`m so sorry I do not have pictures.But I know, they had absolutely blessing time with older kids!

Friends, we need your help!We would be very thankful if you will pray for us, God give us wisdom, strength, patience, to know heart of each child more, how to train and help them as much as it possible.How to discipline them and teach them to obey.As most children are with special needs and each of them are very different, it is very heavy for us.Very often we need in God`s wisdom.
Please, pray for us! Thank you!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25