November 28, 2011

The story of love

The next day Friday as I said before, we could to visit next orphanage.And we had with orphans as usual Bible lesson.
When we just have arrived to the orphanage, kids who have saw us through windows started to knock on window that we have seen them and they waved hands.Ah!It was such sweet moment.They so were excited when they noticed that we have seen them!
When we came into a class to other kids with whom we have regular lessons, they all of them as birds have started to fly to us.They have been surprised and so happy to see us!They huged us and have been excited!It was sooo sweet! :)

At this time we told them a story of love, about Ruth.How she loved her mother in law that she left her motherland and went unto the land of Judah together with her.Also we learned character of Ruth about her love to Naomi, her loyalty to mother in law, that she was hardworking, kind, coy and lowly. Ruth was a woman of wholehearted devotion.Also this story teaches us great lesson of selflessness, and strength in times of hardship.And I love this story much! :)

After prayer as well we have thought back last Bible lesson we had.After that we were going to have object lesson before Bible story with vegetable oil, salt and water.But we have found that all vegetable oil had spilled out in a bag.Oops! :) It has turned over itself somewhere on a way. So we did not have object lesson.

After Bible story of Ruth, we could play game " Gleaning  Wheat". Each student answered a question from the lesson.  If they gave the answer correct they have taken basket and gleaned in the "Field of Boaz." They had right to pick up only 3 spikelets.We had enough.Our classroom floor served as Boaz's field. The kiddos loved playing this game. They love getting out of their chairs and learning  by playing.

The next we have learned Bible verse and learning it by playing.We named this game, "Help Ruth pick up spikelets". We took 6 kids who did not play yet and had divided them by two groups.

We have placed downwards spikelets in a floor for 2 commands. They should find words of a verse of the Bible between many spikelets.

After that they should to place it in hands of Ruth.
 They did it real fast!As everyone wanted to win!
Kids liked this game!It was real fun to find words of verse between different spikelets!

We learned verse  "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." 1John 3:18
Ruth showed her loyalty and love to her mother in law.We think it is good verse to memorise for kiddies.That we will love not only words but deed too.

Also we memorised words of Ruth by song with children she told to Naomi, several times.
Wherever you go, I will go.
Wherever you dwell, I will dwell.
Your people, my people, 
Your God, my God!     I LOVE soooo much words of Ruth!!!

Children amazed us! When we asked them before what Ruth told to her mother in law when she said to her daughters in law return to their mother`s house.They said correct words!It was such blessing to hear it and we were impressed!

Ok.This sweet boy had Birthday, yes, we had only one birthday child at this time.And we congratulated him.He  loved so much his kitten that Taras told us, he will be asleep with his toy.He liked his small gift!

In the end as well they made craft, paper doll of Ruth.They love very much to color something.So, they excited by doing this craft! The arm of Ruth is attached with a brad so that it can move.They loved it soooo much!
 We had nice and great time with kiddies!We were so blessed to be with them!We praise the Lord the each moment to be with them and bring Gospel!We enjoyed to tell them a great story of love!Hope these seeds of God`s word will bring  yield fruit of Holy Spirit in some time.

Are not beautiful these two little nice girls?
They have put on Ukrainian tradition costume and headwear.They could not be with us on Bible lesson because they had practise at this time of some songs etc.They could resort only some times on several minutes to see that occurs and came back back.
At this day in a city where is this orphanage was purty or social gathering, the same as Ukrainian people have made this hundreds year ago.This day is elaborate and can be  humorous and poetic.Also folks like to sing different Ukrainian folk songs a lot.
Ukrainian culture has a highly developed tradition of oral literature. Folktales, folk songs, folk drama, proverbs, riddles, and numerous other genres. Ukrainian people have liked to do all these things during purty or social gathering, which has named as "vechornici". Vechornici has name because of word vechir, what means by -evening.Because in the evenings when all work have finished, people liked to gather in the evenings and to spend time.But this is only culture and tradition which was in past :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25