December 2, 2011

Talking about Joshua

Finally I can share with you the last meeting we had last week, on Saturday.As I promised before to tell you what we did there with children.Just want to let you know.We visited several orphanages this week too.We had such blessed and wonderful time with kiddies!I have so much to tell you!But really I do not know when I will do it, because it is very heavy to find a time for blogging and being busy here. :)
But I love very much to share what God is doing here, in ministry and personal life of BOM!I love very much to witness to people about great things God is doing, because only He worthy of praise, honor and glory!And I`m really exciting much to share with you all about small or big blessings because many of you are part of these blessings too!And many of you really are interested in life of orphans, praying for them and helping in their needs.

When we just arrived to the orphanage, children began to run to us and say how they missed us.We did not see them only two weeks.We did not visit them a week before because they have been busy by their(orphanage) work at this day.(We have been talking with administration of orphanage before).So, we decided do not go there, as it would be heavy for them with time.
 When we saw each other, we all were sooo blessed to receive hugs from them and hear: "we missed you!", "why you did not come last Saturday?", "what happened?", "we have been waiting for you!". Ah!It was soooo sweet!!!

So, we had regular Bible lesson in this orphanage as usually.We have been learning with them about Joshua.That to be exactly the story of the day the sun stood still. This story comes from Joshua 10.

Do you know that in Ukrainian and Russian Bibles the name of Joshua has two words of his name? It confuse children a little.
It is as Jesus Christ, is meaning --Isus Christos(Russian and Ukrainian). Joshua is-- Isus Navin. We explain to children that Isus Navin that is Joshua, he is not Isus Christos(Jesus Christ). He is other person. It seems that of two Isus(Jesus) Bible has. :)

We sing with them their of one favourite song, I`m soldier of Jesus.As this song is with gestures, they really love to sing it and are rejoicing by it, especially boys!

 Nadya was telling story about battle when sun stood still.Boys helped us to show the battle.Oh, how they loved it!!! Especially to hold swords!But a girl was playing the sun.

It is so funny to hear when boys are asking: "Is it real swords?" And all of them want to play by that.
They LOVE  very much to play acting of Bible stories!

After Bible story we learned a Bible verse.When we learned enough well verse for them.They should tell verse and to strike with hand of ball at the same time.It was fun!


As our craft needed a time to dry.We gave paper sun to children and they colored it by paint.
 They were busy by their work and it was quiet.I love very much when they are busy by doing something. They are learning something to do, developing, opening their talents and they can see I can do something. And it helps them to be sure in themselves.

While their crafts were drying, we could to play a game.Where they gave answers to questions about Bible story.Who gave correct answer had right to place a beam to sun.

 They enjoyed very much by this game! We were amazed that they gave all answers correct! It is such blessing for us!
It was so sweet to see how older kids helped smaller ones to reach a place for beam.:)
Their suns already has dried and kiddies could to continue to work on their projects, crafts.They placed glitter to beams of sun.But as they love very much glitter some of them placed it not only on beams but  on whole  their craft!

What a mess was in class! You could see glitter everywhere.Some children have put it on their body, hands, faces.It was so funny to see it!They were so funny! Of course, we do NOT give glitter at their hands, we control it!!! But sometimes it is heavy to control such big crowd in one time :)

 As kids do not have their own Bibles, we try to do crafts with Bible verses. So that they can keep of their crafts and remember Bible verse we have learned during a lesson.So, this craft had verse on the back side too.

 Vitaliy is so sweet and kind boy! He helps us often during a lesson or to carry bags or collect things or something else.Isn`t he sweet?

When children finished their work, they were amazed and so excited by their crafts! They were running everywhere and showed their schoolmasters their work.They LOVED it so much and were happy to have it own!

Aren`t cute these faces?

 Boys love very much to make photos!They are really smart!And sometimes you think this place is not for them...

 In same time when we had Bible lesson, Sasha and Lyuba had meeting with teens.They had about 25-30 teens!Wow!It is so wonderful! Is not blessing from the Lord? They have talked at this time about God`s love.How is important to follow Jesus, to show God`s love to people and much more.During meeting they learn Bible verses too.Also Sasha gives assignment often to learn Bible verses to a next meeting.He prints it and gives to teens.

And after Bible time they had fun.As often teens are very active and love to play games too! :)

We had such blessed time with kids!We are so thankful to Jesus for opportunity to tell the Gospel to orphans, teach them right things, discipline, friendship, about great God`s things and His acts in Christian lives, give them our love, bring joy and hope and much and much more.We are so happy and thankful to Jesus!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25