November 26, 2011

Many blessings

Do you see these sweet helpers? They are orphans who were flying to us to help, when have seen us, when we just arrived to an orphanage.They all are so happy to see guests and every one wants to help them!

Thank you so much for all your prayers!Thank you to be with us in blessed times and sorrows!
God is so good to us!We could to visit kids and spend time in 4 orphanages this week!
About one visitation with small ones I already has told you here.Next several days one after another Thursday, Friday and Saturday we have seen children in different orphanages last week.Really, I do not know when I will update, because the Lord has blessed and we are going  to visit 3-4 orphanages next week again! Is not amazing? Is not a blessing from the Lord Jesus?Wow!!! We are sooooo exciting when we can visit them and bring Gospel! We are so happy we can commit the command of God, "visit the fatherless... in their affliction".
I will try to tell you about all blessed meetings we had as soon as I can.

Here I would like to share with you a visitation we had on last Thursday and many blessings we have. 
We had such blessed time with kiddies!They all are so sweet, kind and wonderful!We all BOM team, children and staff of orphanage has rejoiced by blessing time to be together!It was amazing time!We are so happy and praise the Lord!

And yes, we spoke here about obedience to God, telling  them story about Jonah.
We played same games and sang song about Jonah and  have  memorized same Bible verse "to obey is better than sacrifice."1 Samuel 15:22(b) :)

Children were very active and were very exciting to hear story and gave right answers on questions about Jonah during game!We admire by them!They are very and very sweet kids!

Here Nadya is telling story about Jonah, to be exactly about whales.That they are big and incredible creation of God.

Next game, where children gave answers on questions.
The first question was, What is the name of main hero? Next question.What God has told to Jonah to do?
As you see on video, children really enjoyed playing this game.


But they were impressed more by next game.Oh, they all wanted to catch fish!It was so and so funny!
This orphanage has 190 kids!Trust me, that is not easy when a hall is full of kiddies! But not all children were with us.As this program for children, we took since 1-6 grades, they are 6-12 years old.Next time(we do not know yet when) we will come only to teens age 13-16 years old and will have more seriously time with them.
But really we had a great time with kids! :)

After this game we have learned Bible verse with them.They did it very well!

 We sang with them.

On video we are giving chocolate candies to children.


Ok.Next picture is where smallest orphans of this orphanage have received special gifts to them, colorful pencils(crayola) in plastic box and nice lead pencils.
We thought to give only for smallest ones, to first grade.But we have found there not many kiddies, only 7 of them.But we had 15 boxes!So, we gave to second grade too, for a class!Oh, children were so happy to receive these gifts!Thank you to those, who has blessed so precious and cute kiddies! Are not they wonderful?

On next picture you can see  school supplies we have presented to this orphanage.We are so happy we could to do it!The administration of orphanage were amazed and so and so thankful!They told, "Oh how we are happy to have you!" It was so nice to hear it! But we sure, we would not present these gifts to the orphanage without all of you.
We are grateful to ALL of you to share this need, pray for, donate, send boxes etc!We are so happy to have all of you, even we are far away but Lord spirit is one and everywhere.And we thank God to give you a wish to help orphans with school supplies! We thank God who works in hearts of folks and we admire by you!!!

The next blessing we have  Lord Jesus has blessed and we could to bless this orphanage by DVD player(on picture is in blue big box on right side)!Wow! They have jubilee 50 years of this orphanage this year!
They wanted to make a special day, celebrate it but they canceled it, because the teacher of music has died more than month ago and they could not find someone who could to help them.It is sadly.So, we could to buy special gift and have presented to the orphanage.They were very much surprised and amazed! And when we told them about school supplies too.They all even did stand up and began to applaud for us! We were embarrassed little. :) We explained to them, that All glory to God, because He cares about orphans and that He sent these gifts.

One more blessing we have that we could to witness about God to director of this orphanage.She is new worker there but old director he is on pension now.And we had such amazing time with her!Wow!Really she is very sweet and so kind woman. She loves children much and tries to care about them as much as she can.
Also she invited us as reverence of guests to their special day in orphanage that they will have in next month.She requested us very much and has let us know she will be happy to see us as special guests at this day.
Well, we could say nothing, even we would love to be there and it is such a blessing for us.Because we knew we did not have extra finances.And we had only for two orphanages which we were going to visit next several days.What we already did :)
This orphanage was last orphanage where we have presented school supplies.We do not have any more.Everything already finished.We need to help with supplies to 3 orphanages...

We even did not know where we will take finances to visit orphanages this next week.We prayed to the Lord and asked to help us in this need.Do you know what?That is amazing how Lord Jesus answers and blesses!He has sent even double blessing!Really I was crying to find out, it was tears of joy. God sent us $500 for school supplies and different needs of orphans!Isn`t amazing our Lord Jesus? He sends everything just in time!Wow! We are so blessed and inspired! Thank you so much for your prayers and gift of love!Thank you so much to those who sent us such GREAT blessing!We praise God for this blessing and answer of prayer!

It reminds me a Bible story when God has blessed widow, because she has fed Elijah.
"For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth.

And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah. " 1 Kings17:14;17:16

Is not amazing story how God cares?Isn`t God`s miracle?God provides all time in time we can serve orphans and help in their needs.We are so happy we serve alive and amazing God!!!

We are so blessed to have so many blessings these days!

In next posts I will share with you about two more visitations of orphans we had.Hope soon.


  1. What an amazing blessing! Thanking God for His care and provision!

  2. YES! We so rejoice and we glorify God! He is soooo good! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25