November 14, 2011

Shoes to girls with special needs

I`m so exciting and thrilling to share with you all what a huge blessing we have!Dear friends and followers, God hears your prayers!And we so thankful to all of you!If you remember we asked all of you pray for girls in mental institution who do not have summer shoes.Our desire was to help them, as there is big need.God answered your prayers and He has a blessing for these poor children!
 There are 100 new pairs of shoes!WOW! It is enough for all mental institution!!! It is enough for ALL girls there!!! It is a lot! Isn`t  amazing and incredible?!
What an amazing blessing!We are so happy and thankful Lord for His mercy and goodness!We are so thankful God, Who cares about orphans and He is faithful to His word!We rejoice at this blessing and praise God!
Next spring we will bring these shoes to girls with special needs that they will wear shoes in summer.Yes, it not happened last summer.But our dear and sweet friends tried to do everything they could to help and everything will be in time. But you never know why God doing it and why it came later not in time when you "think" it is need.But one we know He is righteous and holy God, He is right all time and all things work for good!We trust to Him with all our hearts.He knows the best time!

Special thanks for help, care and love in this project to Lisa L. and Corrie K.,Megan F., organizations Life2orphans and Crocs and everyone else! Thank you soooo much for your prayers!Thank you so much to being blessing for these special kids!!!God bless you!

The boxes are not yet in Ukraine.And we do not know when it will come.It takes a lot of time.But we would be very thankful to you, if you will pray with us we get it safely.Thank you!!! :)


  1. Saying a prayer tonight for these boxes of shoes to reach the precious feet of those bright and beautiful kids!!

  2. Thank you, Melissa!Blessings! :)

  3. Thanking our Awesome God with you for this wonderful blessing!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25