November 14, 2011

Urgent prayer

Our life sometimes remind me of zebra, who has white and black strips or lines.In our christian lives we have blessings big and small and have worries and trials big and small too.
Sometimes you are so happy that you think heaven came down.You want to sing and glorify God! You worship and grateful God for all things He does in your life, even bad too!You want to praise God and tell whole world about mighty and amazing God you serve, because you are happy!
 Sometimes you feel yourselves not so good when you have such big trial and sometimes it is heavy most of all, when you think sometimes, it never will finish...And you do not see the end of it...

Dear sweet friends, with worries in our hearts we all BOM team beg you to pray for our pastor of Baptist Church and head of BOM, your brother in Christ, Misha.

He has a big trial in his life right now.His health is very bad, he has bleeding gastric ulcer, big trouble with gaster.He can not sleep at nights sometimes because of it, he vomits with blood. He suffers sometimes, when we go to orphanages or he does any work at church.He has this trouble for a long time.But every time it become worse and worse.Because he eat not well and not eat enough. And he does not get a medicine because he is not able to buy it...
Recently his health status scared us to the death, when he nearly hasn't died last few days. A doctor says he should to get a medicine immediately or it can be too late...

  • He is a person who loves his church and ministry to orphans much.
  • He is a person who devoted all his life to Jesus Christ with full heart.
  • He sacrifice a lot of things that to be faithful servant of God.
  • He is  pastor who ready to help you spiritually and physically when you needs it.
  • He is pastor who ready to help you in any time of a day or even at a night by ride of hundred of kilometers far away from home that to help someone.
  • He is pastor who has Christianized hundreds of souls to Jesus Christ.
  • He is pastor who had lead several dozens of persons to Christ before the hours, day or few days or several weeks or months of their death.
One of these person is my dad, with whom our pastor prayed prayer of sinner, before the almost a day of his death few weeks ago...
And he is pastor who needs much our prayers and God`s miracle!

Please, we beg you with overwhelmed hearts pray for brother Misha.We even can not imagine what will happen with church or ministry to orphans if something worse will happen... Please, pray for his healing.Pray for miracle.Please, pray for his daily needs and medicine he needs  that God will provide.

We know God hears your prayers!We love you all and thankful for your love and faithful support!God bless you!

 You can send your encouragements to brother Misha to his e-mail


  1. We are praying. I pray that he will heal and feel better soon. We will be praying that he can get the medicine soon.

    God Bless,
    The Duffy Family


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25