September 13, 2011

It`s hard to understand...

It`s hard to understand what God is doing...Time is running out, we have only 5 days to the end of our project. We have only $115 to help orphans. We still need so much more! We still need a lot to bring a joy and blessing to the precious creation of God!
Today i was reading a Bible verse "Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." - John 13:7
It is hard to understand God`s plans.And i began to weep.I could not control my emotions and tears  were run on my face and run.

Yes, God cares about orphans.He did thousands miracles in our ministry and my personal life.
It's hard to understand why things happen sometimes, but God has a plan. We do not know a what plan.But He is in control.His plan is perfect, even we do not understand many things. He knows the best time and way.
It is hard to understand but we must to trust Him.Yes, God wants we have strong faith and do not upset and not give up.He wants we go ahead and live by the faith even it is heavy and you have big burden in your heart but you have nothing to help others... God wants we will have a strong faith even you have a big lump in throat and want to cry...Trials make us more pure in our hearts.  

We love much children!We love when God bless and we bring any blessing to them!We love to see their shining and happy eyes, when they enjoy any even a little blessing! We love to hug them and spend time with them.We love to enjoy each moment being with them!

We still beg Jesus help these poor children.We plead Jesus to help us bring these big blessings to 760 orphans.
We know many of you praying together with us.Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragements and love! Please, keep in praying!
Please, share with others the need help 760 orphans with school supplies.Thank you!


  1. Alla,

    I completely understand that it is hard to understand how God is working out His plan. Our response needs to be to remain faithful.

    I praise the Lord that, even though you may not be able to provide all of the school supplies by September 16, that He has given you and your team a greater blessing; that you are able to bring these children the Gospel of Jesus Christ! That is our greatest need!

  2. Orphan`s MinistrySeptember 15, 2011

    Thank you, Corey!

  3. Alla, I'm just now catching up on your blog after not visiting for a while. I hope the gift we sent will be able to help you to continue to help others, in whatever capacity you choose to use it :) Blessings! Please send our deepest regards to Oksana and Misha as well, and MANY HUGS to you all! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25