September 11, 2011

to Friends is dedicated

This post is dedicated to our dear American friends...
We know and remember very well what has happened 10 years ago the 11 of September in America...It was biggest worldwide terrorism...It has affected whole world...Thousands and thousands people perished in this day.Many lost their wifes, husbands, children, relatives, friends and just loved ones...Some will be forever heroes because they perished saving lives of others...Some will have never return their loved ones and they feel lonely..

Yes, we can not feel this pain of nation, we can not understand the fear who felt in this horrible time.
But we are with you and we are sorry.We try to understand your pain, grief, and heartache of nation... We love you! And we pray for safe that you dont wait for another big and terrible thing like this.God bless you!!!And God bless your nation!!!

In Christ love, BOM team


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for remembering the many lives lost on this terrible day ten years ago. I pray that God will work within us to make the world a better place so that future lives know about JESUS, and that life on Earth is but a moment compared to eternity with HIM.

    Thank you for your ministry!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25