August 15, 2011

Visiting orphans in camp

I`m soooo sorry could not post earlier and made you wait to know what we did in camp with kids last Thursday. I could not do it because of circumstances here and i was sick. Now is little better, thanks God.

So, as i told before, God has blessed much and we had amazing day! The weather was beautiful!
When we just came to the camp and children saw us, they started to run. We even did not expect they will be so glad of our meeting again!What a blessing!Many of them huged members of team so much that it was painful. :))) When we told them about that, they just laughed.They are so funny.

 The program with children was very good too, only children made noise little.In this camp are 130 orphans. I think we had not smaller than 100 kids maybe more and it was little hard with them. But we are happy, even much happy that God has blessed our fellowship! The time was amazing and we rejoicing by this blessing!

You may ask what we did there with children?

We sang several songs what they know, what we learned with them last time and learned one more again. They just love to sing!Our director Misha plays on guitar very well and kids just LOVE it much!

For smallest ones we had puppet show.

Before Bible story Nadya and Lyuba showed object lesson about faith.

Here sisters told Bible story about Daniel. Several boys helped in it and played acts.They were exciting of that!

After that we have played games with kids.
As children LOVE balloons, we decided to play this game with them. Inside of each balloon were hidden words of Bible verse, which children needed to find out and learn.
When a child found out a word, he/she needed to read it aloud and Lyuba wrote words on blackboard.

And in the end we learned the Bible verse. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;..."  Isaiah 41:10 Children did it real good!


Also we have played a game "Pin the tail on the lion".
Children were soooo excited by games and many wanted to play! Sometimes it was hard to chose a child. :)
They pulled their hands up and asked to chose for game.We had a rule, who is sitting quiet will be play in game.

Director Misha gave last words of exhortation to children. Also it was a blessing about 7-9 adults could to hear the Gospel. After program some members of team could to witness to some adults more about God. We are glad God gave us opportunity of that! Praise the Lord!

In the end of our meeting we gave to each kiddoes 1 chocolate candy and 1 banana.They were glad very much to get it! This is not all. They were much surprised when we told that we brought sport games for them. Oh how they were glad, my goodness! It is amazing! WOW!!!We were so glad to see how their eyes seemed shined!

We gave these games to their caretakers and leaders. It was little bit sadly that was not enough games. But it was real blessing to see how children were happy by this joy! Several leaders were glad to let us know.That they are glad by that too, because often they did not know what to do with children, make them busy.We are happy God did it just in time!

When leaders got games, immediately children did run up to their leaders and asked these games!

Here some pictures of playing kids.The team could to play with children also.It was amazing and funny time with kids!


Also we could to pass out Gospel tracts to children.

We noticed as in every orphanage children here are thirsty of fellowship as in hot wilderness of water. Really they soooo much HAPPY when anyone come to them and spend time, showing the love and care. Many of them have very sad eyes which are upset and do not have a hope.Many of them have own bad family story.Many of them do not want to speak about their parents, some kids let us know, they dream some one will adopt them.They dream to be in family, in place where they will see and feel all love, protection, hope and future. Ah, it is heartbreaking to know and understand that we can not help in it...It is so sad...Please, pray for these children, God will protect them, give hope and future...

This is not all yet.By the way we decided to go an orphanage where we dyed playground to see and inquire do they need our help more. But really we did not know can we will help them to dye or no.As i said before, we already have schedule for other orphanages. In one of them we are going to come back soon and help again because there not enough workers who can do some work and especially for men.

When we came to the orphanage we were surprised! They finished almost all work! The playground was nice! All benches, floor in classes and in buildings, windows were dyed.We were glad by that! The administration of orphanage was glad to see us and thanked again for paint we bought. But we know it would not be happened without our Lord Jesus who cares about orphans and without all of you, who shows your love to these abandoned and poor kids!Thank you! Just BIG thank you for your help, love and kindness!God bless you!!!

Everything is nice!
For those who do not know.In Ukraine you can buy fruits or any vegetables in villages by the way on roads. Pensioners( grandmothers -babushka and grandfathers-dedushka)  have a low pension what government pays. So often they sell all they have in their garden, to make money. Also it can be milk, cottage-cheese, eggs, any berries,in autumn -mushrooms etc.Sometimes it is real good!


  1. Wow! What a great post. So great that you were able to see the children at camp again and brighten up the rest of the summer.

    Everything looks so nice at the orphanage that got the paint. Much brighter and nicer.

    Thanking the Lord with you for these blessings!

  2. Praise the Lord for all he has done through your ministry!

  3. We prayerfully seek one church that wants to make a difference for orphans in Belarus, by partnering with the church in Belarus. Christians there, with very few resources, are faithfully ministering to orphan children and adults (with disabilities) in four different orphanages. Thank you for all that you are doing! God bless you!
    Ken Dockery, co-founder, Big Family Mission, .


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25