August 12, 2011


Yesterday we have been in camp and had wonderful day! I will say about that in next post. But here we would like to thank you everyone who prayed and helped us to help orphans with games in camp. We raised $166.85 for that, not $280 as we wanted.Was it enough for games and sweets we wanted to bring to orphans? The answer is - no. But! We are happy we had what we had and we were able to buy some sport games, 1 banana and 1 chocolate candy for each child. We are happy because we could have nothing! God is just good and merciful! Praise the Lord!

Thank you soooooo much to open your hearts for orphans and had helped us in this project! Thank you! Thank you! Just BIG thank you!

Were children glad by games? Oh my goodness!YES!!! They were shocked when they heard we brought games to them, because they did not know we were going to help.It was surprise for them! It was amazing to see how they were happy and enjoyed these games!

Thank you VERY much to bring a joy and this great blessing to these beautiful kiddoeis!
May the Lord Bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25