August 16, 2011

Shoes and clothes

With big burden and sadness i`m writing this post. I told you about orphans in camp before but not all... Because i was going to tell you about that in this special post and it is not only about orphans in camp but about ALL orphans we minister.

We saw the big need of orphans have with shoes and clothes. It is terrible what shoes/sandals they wear!
 Same is with clothes. But i would like to stop here and say about shoes.
Their shoes too big 2-3 sizes more or too small.Also it is broken, worn out much, it hurts their foot or soles, makes callosity or wounds on feets. Boys wear girls sandals and girls wear boy`s.Because they have not other shoes.They wear what they have. Some of them generally have not shoes and they wear shoes of their friends or classmates.

Here are few pictures

 Can you imagine yourself in shoes like these?

Would you like wear sandals like this? Me, no.

Can you imagine yourself in their shoes just in a moment? Imagine they have to wear these shoes all time, because they do not have a choice.They can not buy, they have not parents or relatives or friends who can present a new shoes for them.They just do not have no one, nothing...They can not run and walk in cold or wet weather.They have to suffer and bite the bullet. It is terrible!

An one girl shared with me her little story that she does not have a shoes and she wears shoes of her friend.Her shoes she can not wear because it is already worn out and unfit.Can you imagine you wear shoes of your friend?..

Just in moment I recalled myself  when i was in orphanage. I was about 14-15 years old in this time, the same age as this girl(sorry have not her picture). I was talking with her and did not think to make a picture.
An one person stole my winter boots.It was winter and was very cold. For several weeks I had to wear slippers, because I had nothing. Yes, it was snow outside and frost but I did not have a choice.It was good that buildings is close one to another and I just did run or walked very fast to them. But I could not to play outside at this time.

You may ask but where was caretaker?

Do you know who stole your shoes?

Did you tell about that your caretaker?

I was afraid

Did caregiver see you did not have boots and needed it?
Well. I can not answer on this question, saw she it or no.I do not know.

 Did you tell her about that?

But why?
I was afraid.

I was afraid to tell everyone about my this need and others.I was afraid to ask any one to help or ask something.And I was afraid to tell her who stole my shoes.I was frighten very much.Because my mom beat me up often in childhood.
After that I was afraid everything.I was hidden all pain and suffers inside of my soul.This caregiver did beat children also.I was afraid to tell her that I have not boots or shoes.I thought she start to scream and beat me because of that.I remember it very clear like today.Sadly that some moments of our life we can not forget...So, I suffered physical and emotional in this time.

But praise God my aunt gave me autumn shoes for me.Yes, it was several sizes bigger than mine and I looked funny. :) Yes, it was cold in my foots and I knew I should to give back her it when season will finish but I was glad.

This is just very simple example.But i`m sure there are many children who suffer much more.There are many children who have not parents or relatives who can help them.Even they have relatives, they do not take care about these poor kids.These children are abandoned, neglect and forgotten...

We ask you to help in this need.Please...We are Church of Christ, we are Christians we should to show the God`s love and care to these children.

These children like this sweet kitten, who need food, care, attention and love.And these children are beautiful like this sweet girl.Let`s together will not let suffer these precious children!

 Lately I like these verses and love to read it again and again.

"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. 
Here I think can be children with special needs, who can not speak
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9
 And second verse without comments.

So, we open our mouth in our prayers before the Lord and plead Jesus to help orphans, these poor kids in their needs, clothes and shoes. 

And please,we ask you to help.Probably you, your children have clothes or shoes which you not wear. Need sizes 4-35 years old, for small boys and girls, teens and adults(in mental institutions).

If you, your family have not it.Please, tell your friends, relatives, neighbours, even Church will  help orphans in Ukraine.It even can be used clothes or shoes but good.

Please, will you help us to show these kids God`s love and His care? Please, will you open your mouth in prayer together with us before the Lord about need of these orphans?With heavy heart we plead you to help.We appreciate any little step in it. Thank you! God bless you!


  1. Jamela in ILSeptember 03, 2011

    Oh, this just breaks my heart. I work with children with special needs here in the US and I know how precious they are. God bless you for the work you are doing here, Alla. I will be praying for you and the children.

  2. I have shoes! Please contact me to tell me where to send them.
    Shawnda Hicks


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25