August 7, 2011


Well.We decided to go to orphans in camp this Thursday and will bring to them all we will have(sweets and games). After program what we will have, we would like to play with children and have fun with them. But we have only little bit. We still pray and hope God will bless, as He blessed many times before.

Our wish is raise $280 to help abandoned and lonely orphans. We know our God is rich and He can bless even more than we think and pray. But He knows how much we need for that.

In last our journey there about 30 orphans asked Jesus Christ saved them. Is not amazing? Orphans who do not have parents on earth, they have their own Heaven Father, Who loves them much.

 They have so many spiritual and physical needs!They feel lonely and unprotected.They think no one love them, no one do want them and neglect them.They feel castaway and it humiliate them. All these pains and burden they have in their hearts. Our goal is bring Gospel to children and tell, how God loves, care, protect, give piece and comfort in heart, joy and much more. Also our goal is to show God`s love not only by words but acts too.It is Biblical principle.

Please, we ask you to help in this need  to bless orphans.Will you help? Will you help us to show orphans God`s love to them and His care? We want to give games and sweets, it will bring big joy and happyness to children!Every $ and cent is appreciating. We have few more days to raise what we need.
Thank you so much!My the Lord bless you for each step to help in this need!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25