July 31, 2011

Games for orphans in camp

Our wish is to help orphans in camp. Usually children have fun and exciting to being in camp. They come back with new energy, health, found there new friends, have many impressions, etc.

But not in this camp, where we visited orphans. Buildings inside and outside look horrible. In their rooms are only beds and clothes cabinet. You will not see nothing on walls of their room. It reminds little bit a jail.You can see only difference that windows are with curtains which do not have lattice and kids scamper everywhere. Also children undernourished there, no games, no fun, nothing, they bored there.

Because of this reason children run away from this camp to different places.Sometimes to different cities, where police catch them and give back to camp.But some time later children run away again. It happens again and again. That is big problem, because in this time they are street kids, where they can meet many troubles, sickness, they hungry, begin to steal food, clothes, etc.

Children do not want to be in this camp. They do not have their homes where they can stay for a summer. They often say, it is better to be in orphanage than stay in this camp.

We want to bring to them different games, make them busy and sweets and different fruits.We need to raise $280 to the end of this week.Because next week we want to visit them again.
But we are not able to do it without your help.Please, will you help orphans in camp? Will you help to bring to them a blessing and save if little bit? Children have nothing there and it will be big joy to them!

Please, use chip-in on our blog.Thank you so much! My the Lord bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25