July 13, 2011

Paint for Orphanage

We began a new project, "Paint for Orphanage". This is one of biggest orphanages where we serve.There are about 200 orphans, including orphans with special needs.

Our goal is raise $735 for paint to help orphanage. The orphanage suffers much because of not enough finances to do all necessary to care about orphans.
Untill orphans are in camp, administration of orphanage wants to renew if something a little bit outside and inside of orphanage, to make better. We need much your help!
Bible says: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."James 1:27

Children are in camp now but it is horrible place!They boring and suffer there...Can you imagine how they will be happy when they will come back to the orphanage and will see it looking better?Our help, it is open door for the Gospel to orphans and employers of orphanage!

Can you please, to help us to show God`s love to orphans?

Here are pictures to show real need!



          Please, help!We have very short time! Thank you! May the Lord bless you!


  1. When do you need this money by?

  2. We need this money next Tuesday or Wednesday.If God`s will we are going to orphanage in these days and help them, buy paint and will dye what administration of orphanage will tell us.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25