July 12, 2011

Working Monday in an orphanage

The team of Bible Orphan Ministry not only conduct Bible lessons to orphans, have special time with them and helps in physical needs, as the Lord provide. The team helps orphanages to repair something or do any kind of work to help and do not only by words but acts too, as much as it is possible.

Yesterday we were able to help a one orphanage. We helped to renew a stadium of orphanage. We filled up holes that children will not get in a trouble, raked a dry grass, dyed old wheels, mowed a grass, pulled weeds etc. We rejoice of that and it was real fun!

Yes, we tired much!But most of all we tired because of hot weather. It is real hard to work in hot weather, when  is 32`C (90`F) moist air and it is hard to breath. :) But we were glad and rejoiced!

                                                enjoy a short video :)
                                                   wheels before

Next to the orphanage is very nice nature! We love Ukraine for beautiful nature created by God!It is so beautiful and brings a pleasure for us!

We need much your prayers and support to help other orphanages in their needs! Will you help us, please?Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it was a real blessing to the orphanage to have help with their work. Everything looks so much nicer.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25