July 19, 2011

Only 6 days...

We have only 6 days to raise money to help orphanage with paint.
We do not know will God send enough to help orphans. We have only 11%. The administration of orphanage asked us to help.The orphanage is very big and it is heavy to care and give all to kids with  not enough money. Director is upset much, because he does not know where will take finances to care about orphans.The economy is not good in Ukraine now, many orphanages suffer because of it.

We would like to show God`s love and care about orphans.But can not do it without your help. Please, will you help us to help orphanage?
It is will be real blessing and joy to kids and administration of orphanage.And good testimony to show that God is more mighty of any economy of the world.

We cherish any $ and cent. Please, can you help? Please, use chip-in on sidebar of the blog.
If you can not donate and would like to help. A blessing will be for us if you will share with others about this need and pray with us about it.Thank you! May the Lord bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25