April 5, 2011

Time for news

Dear Friends, thank you so much for your prayers for our healing! We feel much better than several days ago. We know many of you praying for us, we cherish it much and thankful to the Lord for each of you!Many of you e-mailing and give encouragement. We need it. Thank you,  thank you very much!It is big blessing!

Even we feel ourselves not so well, we think it is time for some news and let you know about blessings.

Are we ok and can visit orphans? No... We still are sick but not so much like several days ago! When we were in bed and not able do something. But we would not feel better without your prayers!Please, keep praying!We need it much!

 Some members of team feel better but some have still fever, coughing etc. Some bad virus infected our body and does not want to leave. We thought to visit 4 orphanages during this week.We hoped on Monday we will feel better. But no. We need to stay at home more time. We do not know when we will be able to see our precious and darling faces...We do not know yet, when we will see how they run to us to hug and kiss because they waited during some time. We do not know when we will see their sweet smiling faces and shine eyes.We do not know yet when we will tell to them about Jesus Christ...We do not know when we will play with them have fun time...We do not know when we will be answer their thousands questions about everything...We do not know when small ones we can take in our hands and hold a little ...They love it.We do not know...

Please, keep pray  about our healing.We need your prayers!Thank you!

One thing we know, God is right all time! Even if we do not understand it, even we would like to do what we want, even it is against your plans, your sense, even it is difficult much...He is right all time! He is God and our lives in His hands! His way is the best way!  Bible says:

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." Romans 8:28

If you are Christian, you must to trust Jesus Christ all your life, heart, wisdom, strength, health, family, everything. He has something special for you because He loves you so much that He died on the cross! Only Jesus Christ alive God can give you piece, comfort, gladness in your heart even you have many troubles in your life! Yes, sometimes it is not easy! But if you will trust with All your heart, the piece and comfort will come to you. The Bible says and we believe:

 "Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."Matthew 11:28 
His way is perfect way!

Well.It is interesting during our trials,  health problem, broken van, death of girl in special orphanage in which we could not believe and it was hard to accept it... God is with us and we see His powerful hand in everything.

Last week we found that brakes of our van was broken.It was meaned we could not go to orphanages or we could to be in wreck any day. But our Lord is soo good He blessed and we could to fixed brakes.So, now we can visit kids again! We are sooo glad! Praise the Lord! Is not it wonderful?
Big thank you to those who support our ministry! :)

Next blessing. As you maybe noticed we have a new button our ministry. It is a blessing for us too!

The  reason why we did this blog will tell to people about  orphans and help them in their needs, make if only little their life more bright and happy.
We know we are not so good bloggers. Many of you are good and wonderful bloggers!We need learn many things. We are happy for each follower, reader and even any guest .We are happy and thankful when any person leave a link of our blog on their blogs. Sorry for our not so good English but we hope you understand our hearts to orphans.

So, we tried to do a button many and many times. We did not know how to do it! We came back again and again and again... But we could not do it because we do not have a knowledge about HTML code about this button.So, after many efforts we decided to forget about it and to do what we can...But our Lord is wonderful and great Lord!

God blessed and one miss Brianna made this button for us. We were so glad and thankful to the Lord! It is amazing what God does!

So, if you are interesting to help orphans in Ukraine and will help spread the word about this ministry. You are welcome!Today you able to "grab" it and put it on your blog or website.We will be very thankful on behalf of orphans! May the Lord bless you!

If you feel led to, please put this button on your blog:

<center><a href="http://www.bibleorphanministry.com/"><img width="100%" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi7F4F9TWHviputEVst7Ri1Q191rbq-6iBkRH9_ws6xDNDWtudS3iycAB2jlRiSqPxsUWDxIvv1EMhzfOrgk3Mg0gyfAWnsw2xaVrSvvyBE8rT3DP0wZJ8MRLC_pZn-dJE0luQgj7VX0oc/s1600/BibleOrphanMinistryButton.jpg" /></a><br /><a href="http://www.bibleorphanministry.com/">Grab This!</a><br /></center>

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  1. I am so glad to hear that you are at least feeling a little better. I will keep praying that you'll be well enough to visit the children soon!

  2. I think I caught your sickness, all the way from Canada.... Now I am sneezing, caughing, and all the lovely things of being sick. I hope you guys get better soon :)

  3. Oh no, Sophia! Praying for you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25