April 14, 2011

Thanks! :)

Dear Friends, thank you so much for your prayers! After our sickness during 2 weeks finally we can continue ministry to orphans. Thank you for your encouragements, e-mails, support and prayers! It is such a big blessing to know some one praying for you and have big heart!We appreciate each your prayer, e-mail, each your donation, each $!Thank you very much from all our hearts!!!
We are so exciting to visit our sweet Angels small and big! :) We are so glad Jesus gives us a life and health to continue His work!We can not wait to see our darlings!
We can not wait to spend time with them telling about Jesus Christ, great heroes in Bible and many interesting stories what is in God`s Word.We are soooo exciting of our coming to orphanages and will have a great time with children, playing games, singing songs, making crafts and just having fun time.
We are exciting to see their shining eyes and sweet smiles when you give to them a some thing little, candy or stickers.We can not wait to see how they are happy to get any little gift or present.And hear: "WOW!"
We are so exciting to help them in their needs, to give to them anything we able!And hear:" Look, what i have!I`m so glad!"
Ah!It is so amazing to be with all of them!
Dear Friends, thank you to being part of this ministry and giving to orphans hope and gladness!Thank you so much! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25