April 1, 2011

Terrible news...

Dear Friends, Readers, Followers and just guests... with broken and hurt heart we have to tell to you a terrible news... We have regular Bible lessons to girls in special orphanage. There  are mental retarded girls and other disabilities. Today administration of orphanage called to us and let us know a one little girl age of 12 she died a day ago...She was very sweet girl. Even she was age of 12, really she was very small and skinny. You never would be tell she was her age. Really it very hard to writing, because we can not stop to weeping.Just tears and tears.
But we were more in shock when we have found the girl had a Down syndrome... Some time ago doctors found she had problem with heart and she needed surgery very soon. She was at hospital in Kiev (capital of Ukraine) where make surgery on hearts. Doctors did a surgery but it did not help... Her left ventricle of heart was atrophied already. Doctors could not to save life of this sweet girl...

We are in shock, sorrow and upset very much... No one did not wait it will happen. If earlier, if years earlier some one did find she has problem with heart, may be it would be save her life...

Administration of orphanage asked us to help funeral.They asked us to help with $250. Just coffin cost $162.5. We are not able to help. Can you please, to help if only a little... how much you able...
Can you please, to help us to show the Christ of love? That we all are Christians not in the words but in the acting also. Can we to show that we all  bewail and sorrow about this girl?..Please, pray for this all...Thank you!
We are sorry, we do not have a picture of this girl now.

Thank you to each one who praying for healing of our team. Please, keep pray! Some members are little better but some are worst...

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25