March 27, 2011


As we said before we will post pictures our last trip to orphanages where are 90 disabilities boys.
 God was good and we had an amazing trip!

Enjoy pictures.
Before the Bible story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Nadya showed object lesson. A water was in balloon if you will keep it under fire a little bit.Balloon will not burst.We explained to children and employers a balloon is our flesh, water is our faith.As water saved balloon from fire, our faith in Jesus Christ save us from hell.
It was funny much to observe when children hidden their ears and were ready that balloon will burst.
We think it was a good beginning to say a Bible story like God saved 3 young men from fire. 
 After that Alla told the Bible story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

 Our Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.They enjoy much to play of these heroes.

The game about which we told before.The teams competed between themselves who will win.Boys were happy to take part in this game.

After when teams opened paper bricks we learned the Bible verse with children.

Here children played next game.Children had to burst a balloon and give answer to question from Bible story.
Also we sang a song with children again which we learned in the beginning our meeting.In the end of meeting Sasha was preached a little bit to employers of orphanage.
It is great opportunity for us! We are thankful to the Lord for it!

And in the end we gave to children a clothes as we said before.

Thank you so much to be blessing to these special children!Thank you so much you give us opportunity to see them and tell to them about Jesus Who loves them so much!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25