March 27, 2011

Clothes to children

By the way we think maybe you will be interesting to know about our Ukrainian life. As each person in the world knows and understands each country has own culture and tradition.People email to us and would love to know more about Ukrainian life. We will try to do the best we can. :)
Before we will tell you what we are going to say.We invite you to come to see ukrainian orphans your own eyes, spend time with them, will play, hug, kiss.

Yes, it will cost you some! But this experience which you will get, you never forget!Children love very much guests(and we too)  :-) from foreign countries! It is good experience for them too! You will find new small friends, who are very sweet and dream about good and new friends about someone who will love them. Yes, you can read our posts, see pictures but it is better to see your own eyes and will take part in it! We have saying "Better to see one time than to hear hundreds time."

So, before our last  traveling to orphanage with boys about which we told recently .

As God blessed us some.We decided to save some money that we can visit other orphans. Our decision was will go to other city name is  Khmel`nytskyi (it is hard to pronounce for foreign people) :) and buy clothes to children in this city because there more cheap than here.
As Bible says: "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have [sufficient] to finish [it]? " Luck 14:28 (KJV) We decided to save some money.

This city is about 350 km where we locate. It takes for us 3,5-4 hours to get there. It takes 16-18 hours to get there and come back for us.In this day when we go there, we do not sleep.Because we leave city at 2.00 AM(night) and come back to home at 6-7 PM. Spend time there about 8-9 hours to walk and find places where is cheaper clothes. This bazar is big very much . You can walk all day long do not stop but you will not go round all bazar.
Also the roads in Ukraine is not so well, with holes and humps.You can not sleep when van is jumping. Maybe if you tired very much. :)
Yes, after this trip we tired very much.It is not amazingly if you do not sleep a night after you have to walk during 8 hours. :)

You maybe already ask questions.Why you went far away? Is not better to buy the clothes in city where you live? It is right questions.
In this city Khmel`nytskyi  is place which we call bazar. Who has been in Russian, Ukraine or Moldova knows what it is a place bazar. There like big market where you can buy everything.But it is not under roof or in building.It is open place.There more cheap prices than in shops.In this city bazar is for wholesale. We needed to buy clothes to 90 kids.It is a lot of. If you buy there you save much money.

Even people from Moldova and  Belarus come to this bazar, this countres are next to our contry. Also people from many cities of Ukraine come there.They buy clothes and different things and sell it in their cities for more high price. It is cheapest bazar in Ukraine. We come there to save money. :)

Yes, we could to buy clothe to children here. But we seat down and conceived if we will go to Khmel`nytskyi, even will spend much gas for van, ( per 1 liter $1.16) any way it will be cheaper and we can save some money that to visit children in several orphanages.Now in Ukraine gas is very expensive per 1 liter is $1.16. And soon  it will be more expensive...

And we did it! We saved some money and we able to visit 2 orphanages which we are going to visit this week.We are exciting very much and can not wait to see them again!Enjoy pictures our traveling! :)

 Our team.We are walking along of bazar.It was closed some places, but some worked already.It was 7.00 AM and was cold much.About 0`C (32`F).
That are containers where sellers sell clothes and different things.

                 We stoped here to check prices of socks for boys.

                                                          Roads on the way
                                     But some of them are not so bad

                                                  The view of bazar from sputnik
Hope you learned something new and interesting. :) Blessings to you!

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  1. What a great post! We loved your pictures and the story of your trip to the bazar. I also loved the post about your visit with the boys at the orphanage. What a blessing to be able to bring them clothes along with love and the gift of God's word!

  2. Thank you Sabrina! We are glad you loved! We are glad to visit orphans and tell them about Jesus Who loves them much! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25