March 25, 2011

God is sooo good!

God is so good, mercy, great and wonderful!He blessed us  much! We had so amazing day today! We could to visit orphanage. There are 90 mental retarded boys who has  different profound mental retardation and Down syndrome.Their age is 5 -35 years old. Most of them can not read, write, do not know numbers.Some of them even can not speak well or do not speak generally. It is heartbreaking and sad.But we have what we have... 

But they all so precious, so sweet, cute and adorable!And in same time they are so lonely... When we just came to the orphanage they had run to us and many children were waiting us in big hall where we had to have a meeting with them.Before our coming we asked administration of orphanage can we come? So, children already knew and waited for us!It was so blessing to see them all waiting us!

We had an amazing meeting with children! Yes, there boys age of 5-35 but call them all children.We had puppet show.A small kids love it very much and even elder boys too!
After that we had a Bible story (Daniel 3) about 3 young men who did not worship a image and were cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. We had used some decoration of fiery furnace and golden image what we made ourselves.Children love it much! We try to do the best we can that children remember a Bible story for a long time.
It was funny much for them when we chose 3 boys they played 3 young men and 4th boy was a king.The Bible story they listen heedfully and even an employers of orphanage.There 90  kids and employers were in hall.

After that we learned with them a song, played different games, we sang a song and Sasha preached a little bit to employers of orphanage.
The one game was they had to find out a Bible verse which was hidden under paper bricks.The Bible verse was "Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God". Isaiah 41:10 We divided 10 kids to 2 team.
On 2 big sheets of paper was written Bible verse.Each word of the verse was hidden under paper bricks.Each team had to open bricks on the desk compete between themselves who will win, who will be the first.As children love to run and play.They were running with pleasure!After we learned with them this verse.

The next game was.We inflated balloons and had hidden inside of them questions about Bible story which they had listened before (about 3 young men). Children had to burst a balloon and give answer to question.As a children are mental retarded and of course we helped some of them to answer. They were so happy to burst balloons!It was so fun!They laughed and enjoy!

In the end of meeting we could to give them clothes.Yes, clothes!Our God is so good and amazing! He blessed and we could to buy a new t-shirts, undershirts  and 2 pair of socks to each boy! Dear Friends and Readers you have to see their faces how they were glad! When we told and showed  to them what we brought.We heard WOW!
Children were very glad to get a new clothes! They smiled, running and showed to their friends or employers what they have. We are very happy God blessed and we could to help kids.
We asked the Lord to help kids in their needs and we are very happy He answered!How is good and an amazing our Lord Jesus!We are very glad we could to help if a little bit these special kids!
 We are very glad and happy to see happy orphans!
Dear Friends thank you so much for your prayers and to being a part of this ministry to orphans in Ukraine. We cherish your prayers and support very much!.May the Lord richly bless you!!!

But there are still a lot off needs. Director of orphanage asked us to help with sandals and summer breeches to children. We have their sizes.Can you please, to help in this needs?

Here is several pictures. Sorry, we can not post more pictures today for some reason.Some later we will post more pictures of this meeting.Hope tomorrow.Thank you for understanding. :)

Thank you to each one to being a part of this ministry!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25