September 6, 2015

Serving the Lord together

"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 
Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 
For we are labourers together with God..."
(1 Corinthians 3:6-9) KJV

Someone donates, someone prays, someone serves, we are God's labourers. Every one shall receive his own reward. 

We have been so very happy to meet our sweet friends last Wednesday! They did not know we were going to meet them at airport and it was a sweet surprise :) I was so nervous and my knees were trembling that I thought I would pass out!!! Crazy. Ha Ha! I was sooooo very happy to see this precious family Morganti, who barely knew me but hosted in California and treated like a princess for what I`m so grateful God and it was wonderful and unforgettable experience in USA :)

The next day we have met our dear friend, brother Kevin, who has such a generous heart to Ukrainian orphans working very hard to bless them.I lost count of how many hundreds of packages he sent  from USA to BOM for several years. :) God is good!

All together we had a sweet time of fellowship.

We visited boys in a mental institution.  I have a wonderful news for you. But about it later :)

We had a Bible lesson with girls, talking about Rahab and Jericho.

We had a lot of fun!

All our church congratulated and celebrated Birthday of our guest from U.S.

Everyone received a special gift from bro.Kevin at church. Everyone was so happy and it was so sweet!

While our van was being repaired on Monday, we walked around the city. It was a hot day and all were wet! Oh. But we had a wonderful fellowship with young people.

Stella invited to the church her friends, who are former orphans as well. They loved to be with children of God! Both young ladies, Anya(in red on the picture) and Sveta(in grey) are not Christians, very interested continue to visit church services. We would be so thankful if you pray please for their salvation. We are so excited to see more and more young people join and interested to hear the God`s word! What a blessing!

On September, 1th the BOM visited kids for First Bell and 20 backpacks have been delivered to the orphanage. Kids were so excited! Yay! Director was so happy and greatly thanked for this beautiful blessing. Thank you! Thank you very much to all, who blessed these precious children with this awesome gift! You are amazing!!! Really. Director says, now all village(orphanage is in village) will speak what a beautiful gifts children received. :)

The name of Jesus is praising and glorifying far away! Awesome! Thank you so very much, who made it possible!!!

We have found a cafe-museum recently! Where you can have the Ukrainian delicious meal for about $3.00-5.00 and see old stuff what people used many years ago and still using in villages. We loved it! If you come to visit BOM, now we know where to take you ;) Ha ha!

 This week we had an awesome Bible lesson with boys! We talked about 10 Egypt plagues and had so much fun!

Also BOM had a chance to visit young adults at a trade school, who graduated this year. They are not very happy they have to study at this school and cannot choose, where they would like to study and they all are very sad.Young people just don`t have a choice. They will get stipend about 270 uah( about $12.00) per month.It is enough to buy food for few days.

In room there no socket. I have no idea why. So, they can not plug in any electric device. :(

 We gave them personal care items and had sweet time of fellowship.

 About 140 kids live in a dormitory, where only 2 showers.

 Boys and girls live on one floor. If you go first in line you will take shower with a hot water, then next, sorry, only cold water.

The toilet room is closed during a day, administration opens it after 6-7.00pm. They have go outside to use a rest room.

We watched how they learned to use ATM and get bank card at a bank first time in life.They felt lost filling out a documents at bank.

Each of teen has their own struggle and problem. After school they wander and don`t know what to do...And I would say it is depressing. They feel alone and that nobody takes care of them. Please, pray for this young people God protect them from a sin and troubles. Pray God give us wisdom how to show the love of Christ and care. Of course, they were so happy to see us and said, "please, come oftener." 

Thanks for taking time to read the blog post. It means so much for us :) Please, come back. More to come!May God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25