December 1, 2014

Keep Teenagers Warm-New Project

Our hearts are broken completely these last days...So many precious souls need help and have very urgent needs. Our hope and trust is Lord Jesus, Who sees their needs and is capable to help orphaned children. Who loves them more than we can think. We have nothing but our God is rich. And Who wishes make miracles and in their lives and to bring perfect pleasure and glory to His precious name. 

We start an one of huge projects to bring joy to beautiful teenagers, who suffer a lot and need our help VERY urgently, friends. About whom our hearts hurt and worry. 

The 50 lovely souls, who stay at orphanage today have need with winter jackets and  footwear. Because their winter jackets are worn-out, children have grown up and it became unfit for use.Orphanage is unable to cover their needs.

Yes, those beautiful faces you see are in great need today!

Children in their temporary "homes" have no replaceable shoes, but only an one pair. Imagine how difficult it is necessary them and as they freeze in feet when their footwear get wet. There is no place to dry or shoes dry some days. If footwear wet and to wear, it to collapse quicker.

Do you know that orphaned children borrow shoes of their friends because they have nothing wear?!

Our purpose to raise $3,635 that to bless 50 beautiful teens with winter jackets and boots. We pray and very hope to help our dear ones to stay and feel warm this winter. We hope bring joy to these teens same as 60 girls with special needs were thrilled a while ago.Look at all those smiling faces! How amazing! Look at how were overjoyed other treasures! God was present there!

About the half of those teens will leave the orphanage forever and will start their "adult" life just in short 6 months. For all of them, this special blessing, will be only an one gift of love what will be their own and stay forever in their sweet hearts.

As the cold season came already, they already feel cold, and it is necessary to hurry up.  Therefore it is very urgent need!

We want to ask you to pray diligent for these lovely teenagers and about their needs. That God would show the mercy and that He loves and cares of them.
Time is VERY short!The earlier we will raise necessary means, the earlier we can bless dear children...It will help keep warm not only their bodies and feet but precious hearts.

If the God prompts your heart and gives you a wish to donate. Please, use the blue chip-in on the right side of our blog. Every little bit help, every seed doing with faith is a great blessing for these sweet kids!Or send a gift through PayPal and we will add your amount to the Chip-In button. It will help save fees.For those in the U.S. who wish to donate by check, make check payable to:Bible Orphan Ministry 404 Greenview Dr. Caledonia MI 49316
God bless you!

Let Lord Jesus Christ will bless your heart and will bring you pleasure in participation of this need.
We request you kindly to share about this great need everywhere it is possible, on social networks, blogs, e-mails, friends, churches, Bible groups, members of your family etc.

Please, pray we can raise necessary funds...We need urgently to help these dear souls.We need REAL miracle.THANK YOU very much for every your step, prayer and a help!!!Any your step is VERY appreciated!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25