October 3, 2014

Our swallow has a nest!

Oh, my!We are sooo super busy now! Whew!  That I absolutely don't have time to do a blog posts and answer your emails. I greatly apologize.  We don`t have time to eat, rest, do a laundry, clean at homes, take shower and we sleep only few hours a day. Yes, we all got tired physically VERY much... Hopefully, we will have not so busy days soon. :) I have soooo much to share with you all and pretty exciting what God is doing in BOM!


Here I would love to tell you how awesome our God!
Some time ago we asked you fervently pray for the great need Nadya, member of BOM had.We asked you pray with us that God will do something in her life and her daughter as they both suffered with housing a lot...

Do you know what?! God answered your prayers the very NEXT day!!! Awesome! Thank you so much everyone who sent generous donations help Nadya with apartment!Such unexpected beautiful blessing! At least little more half of the year she can live and don`t worry every month where take money pay for rented her lovely nest. She cried, praised and glorified God.What an amazing God's goodness and grace to His children!

THANK YOU very much! Our sweet swallow is so greatly thankful and humbled!

That is not all. Vlada becomes a teenager and for years she dreamed and prayed to have her own room. It seems impossible... But NOT for our great and awesome God! It's unbelievable and fantastic! But God has provided an apartment for Nadya and Vlada with 2 rooms! Can you believe it? Wow!It`s incredible but renting of this apartment costs the same price as for a one room!Absolutely miracle!

It is such amazing blessing in this sweet family! We are so happy Vlada has her own room and they both with her mommy don`t need worry at least for the half of  year, where they will live next month.
Look what your prayers can do! How encouraging!Jesus is SO good!!!!!

Thank you for loving and cherish us!Thank you for taking tender care and wonderful support!It means soooo much for us!

                              Many thanks for providing our sweet swallow a nest! ♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25