September 26, 2014

Beautiful Beds for Orphans(New Project)

Dear our Friends, Supporters and our faithful blog Readers! We are  just blown away and amazed by goodness of God! We are simply in awe what He is doing in BOM!I am sooooooo happy and thrilled that even do not know how to start and share with you what an amazing blessing we have! :)

So, God has provided absolutely new beautiful 65 beds and mattresses for orphans!Can you believe it???? It`s a HUGE amount and so awesome!We are pretty excited and overjoyed by this great blessing!!!

This vehicle had delivered them few days ago.When a man delivering the beds and mattresses, learned that it will be for orphans, he took a very small amount for that! Wow! We praised God!

 Not only boys but girls were happy to unload beds and mattresses. :)

Many children were so excited to unload these beautiful blessings that workers of the orphanage did not have a work! And they joked, "Oh, it is need to stay in line that unload a bed." :)

And today we have started to put beds together.
That save money we decided to put beds together ourselves.Today was so many wonderful helpers!

It was so awesome to watch how children were enjoyed make their own beds. They learned some skills, how to work with tools and how to work with furniture.

Boys tried the first has made bed :) They have been pretty excited!

Yep. Mattresses like this one, kids used.There were many have broken beds.

I LOVE how it looks now! Isn`t beautiful?

We have done about half of the beds. Tomorrow we are going come back to the orphanage and continue the work. One of the workers of administration said, it's a huge project and they never had like this one before. Wow! 

We are SO grateful to brother Danny and his community showing the care and love to these sweet and precious souls!

God is SO good showing His generous and open hand. Our Heavenly Father, God of orphans and widows is so amazing and big!!!! He is doing so many wonderful things in BOM! It is unbelievable!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25