September 14, 2014

What a GREAT day!

Oh, my!What an AMAZING and GREAT day we had today!!!! Do you know why? Because 2 young fellows, our young brothers in Christ, Sasha and Vadim have been baptized!Praise God!!!!!

We had a second baptizing this summer!What a great joy!

God miraculously blessed with such a beautiful and sunny weather! We did not feel autumn today but summer weather. Such a blessing!

The water is cold already but our young brothers were pretty excited to be baptized! They both could not wait this special day and were soooo happy!

On the picture, all 4 young men are former orphans. From the right to the left. The first and 4th young guy are friends of Sasha and Vadim.

We are so so happy for Sasha and Vadim that these young guys accepted Jesus Christ and want follow Him and to be true Christians! What an awesome blessing! Can be something better when the young people want follow Jesus?!

Look, what your wonderful and generous support is DOING, sweet Friends!!!

BOM supports young adults after they leave orphanages. An one of trade schools we visit regularly with Biblical teaching and fellowship. This February we had an incredible meeting with young people, where 6 young adults asked Jesus saved them. One of these young souls was Sasha, who graduated the trade school this year and joined our Bible Baptist Church! (He is on the last picture and at another in black jacket with red sweater). How AWESOME!

And who would have thought it would happen so quickly?It's such absolutely unexpected great blessing for us!
Your kindness, gentle care and tender love not only saved precious baby Elijah from baby house but has led his father to Christ, who was baptized today!
Vadim is very happy to be a Christian father, leads his family and follow Jesus Christ.How AMAZING!

Beautiful young ladies, Marina and Oksana who graduated orphanage this year and  joined to church as well.

 Aren't they adorable these little men? :)

One big beautiful family ♥

We are overjoyed and thrilled what the Lord is doing!  THANK YOU! Thank you so much for your beautiful love, what leads orphans to Jesus Christ!


  1. I have never seen such beautiful baptism ! Makes me want to come and do it at your place :)

    what a wonderful blessing you are for others. it humbles me...

    1. Thank you, Nicole for lovely comment! We Ukranians (Christians) always do baptism like this one. It's always a special event at every church that new Christians, who join to church feel loved and cared :)

      If you are born again Christian you are welcome come to Ukraine and do it! As Bible says: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ..." It will be a great privilege for us! :)

  2. For the moment I am handicaped by sickness for now 4 years... It would be a wonderful dream... :)

    1. Oh, Nicole... I`m so sorry! How sad... :( Hugs and love from Ukraine

  3. Thank you. God puts a smile on my face and hapiness in my heart. I'm lucky !
    And in a way I live through your blogs and I have time to pray. Now I have the strength to study the bible, and I rejoice for having so much time ! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25