September 24, 2014

Renovation of house (part 1)

We are super busy these days! Finally I can update a little what we done and what we are going to do in Zhenya`s house.
First, we are so thankful to everyone, who took part in this vital project!Thank you very much for all your wonderful gifts of love what make it possible. Thank you trusting us and saving this poor family from terrible cold!.Many thanks for prayers what gives us wisdom, God blesses and provides. Please, keep praying for the project. We still need 40% of needed funds.God will give us physical strength, as we get tired very much. As beside the project we should continue to do another mission work.

What we have done.
We cleaned out the yard from garbage and trash.

That save money, we painted a window and plan to place glass there in near future.

We chopped wood.Some young adults learned to chop wood and were very excited to do it.

The nice neighbours of this poor family saw that we help and started to help too and then their children also. How exciting and amazing! As the result their children came to church and heard the Gospel. Hopefully neighbours will come to church some day too. Some of them are really interested know more about God.

Yana was pretty excited that she learned and can chop firewood :)

Little Vitya saw how adults worked and decided to help to "chop" firewood too. It was so sweet to watching how he wanted take part in it. :)

This precious little man wanted so much to help and take part! It was so priceless to watch how he helped his parents. ♥

Children of neighbours helped with firewood.

BOM with your help bought more firewood what will be enough for all winter and hopefully till Spring while will be cold weather. Yay!Thank you!

Dinner time

We have replaced old and rotten floor for new one.

I love how it looks!

 We have changed all electric stuff for new. There were too old electric cords what would make a fire.

Sasha learned how to work with electric wires .

The forecast showed that all week will rain. But God answered our prayers and we had just a little rain. We praise God for His mercy and goodness to this sweet family!But nights are too cold now! This poor family feels cold. Zhenya catch cold and little Vitya too. :( Not surprised. Factually this family sleeps outside... One night Zhenya waked up and found Nazar so cold that she thought he is dead. She was so scared! To save baby we took to my home. He lives for several days at my home already. Baby Nazar is so precious and sweet little boy!  Finally we can replace windows and door tomorrow! Praise God!!!

Zhenya and Kolya are very happy and they have a hope to stay in warm house this winter. There are so so much work to be done! Zhenya always says, "everything becomes so beautiful! " What a great and amazing blessing to the family! ♥


  1. the Young parents must feel so encouraged !
    Thank you for the up date and all you do for these people !
    praying for the gifts to come in (money) :)

    1. Yes, Nicole. They are so happy and can not believe what God is doing in their lives :) Thanks for prayers!

  2. How wonderful to see everyone working together to renovate Zhenya and Kolya's house! You are making great progress. How many rooms are in the house? It looks as if there are three or four rooms, from the outside pictures.

    I hope the babies stay warm and well - so glad you could help. I am sending some small baby blankets which should help a little, along with some winter skirts, turtlenecks, and a few long-sleeved blouses for the graduates and older girls.

    Thanks again for the updates!

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Susan, this sweet family has an one room and kitchen. The home looks big but there are live 2 more families.Each one has their own part.

      Thank you so much for everything you do!

  3. what a wonderful surprise to see the amount growing ! I was coming by every hour, praying...
    Trop bien !!
    Thank you to all these giving angels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh, how sweet, Nicole...Thank you very much for prayers. God answered them!

  4. youhou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! full house !!
    incredible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Wow! You all have done so much. Praying for you all over there. Love from the U.S.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25