July 2, 2014

Will they have a future?-New Project

Each year orphans leave orphanages and each year they face with the same trouble to get an education or find a job and find housing.Each year these kids fear to leave their temporary homes. They do not know what wait them behind of fence and walls of orphanages. They do not know from what to start, where to go, whom to ask. They don't know where to live, go to study.Who will help, who will give advice, who will support?

This year these 2 sweet kids, Kristina and Kolya, graduated orphanage. They faced with a huge challenge in their life, where to go? They can not enroll at to any college or school, because they both studied at orphanage for kids with special needs. As you know, these children are most vulnerable and socially unprotected in Ukraine...Do you remember what a great trouble Masha faced?

But they as many children, dream... dream to get an education. They both dream to be the cook.

When we started to hold Bible lessons at this orphanage and visit kiddies. We had no idea that God had a plan. That BOM will be provided and continue support graduating orphans. :)

We know Kristina and Kolya, since they were small kids. 

Bro. Misha instructed Kolya how to shoot from the bow

They grew

and became beautiful young adults...(Kristina in light blue sweater)Their teacher said that both Kolya and Kristina love to help in the kitchen.

They can enter at an one lyceum- boarding school for the disabled, who agreed to take them. But they should pay for her tuition and living expenses. This is impossible and unrealistic as they leave orphanages with empty hands, only a little their clothes and items BOM provides. The government will not help. All the more today`s war in East of Ukraine... It's necessary $2, 480 for the year for both these young adults. For each $1,240. This blessing will go for their education, life in dormitory and food. They will not receive a stipend as students. 

So, here we are to ask about your help...On behalf of orphaned children we ask you kindly and with humble hearts to help Kristina and Kolya get an education. Our hope is ONLY Jesus that He would provide all necessary funds, if it is His will.They both still do not know or will be able to realize their dream. Because they do not have funds. Will they have a future?..
We know them both for many years. It would be such a blessing for these beautiful young adults, if they have some one, who can help them in their challenge. It would be so wonderful, if they could continue visit our church and continue hear the Gospel, find Christian friends, same, who were in orphanages and whom BOM supports today. Can you help, please?Your little donations, seeds of faith, would be greatly appreciated.

The blue widget on right side of the blog will show the process of fundraising. You can send your gifts  of love through this widget PitchIn or through PayPal thebibleorphanministry@gmail.com THANK YOU very much!!!

We would SO grateful, if you could share about this need everywhere it is possible.Please.Thank you!

But most of all we ask you about prayers. God would provide all necessary funds, if it is His will.Many thanks to you , friends!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25