July 8, 2014

About Joseph with boys

I am soooo excited to tell you what an awesome meeting we had today with boys, with special needs!

When the kids only saw  blue van, they started waving their hands,  jump and screaming with joy. Running up to the van, they asked, did you come to us? :)

The meeting with boys was simply amazing!
We sang a song with movements.

Told a Bible story about Joseph. (Genesis 37)We paid attention to how it is bad jealous and have envious heart, how were Joseph's brothers.What evil they made to him because of jealousy.I like that even caretakers there can hear God's word.Praying for their hearts.

Sweet souls so excited to play a game, which we called "Dress up Joseph".

Those who gave correct answer to a question of Bible story, had the right to "dress up" Joseph, attaching his beautiful coat of many colours.

 But the most favorite part of this meeting was, when boys made sandwich-craft, coat of Joseph.
Oh, my, you would see their eyes and impressions!They have been amazed!

Thanks those, who recently sent peanut butter from USA! ;0) It was so helpful! Also these kids never seen and ate Peanut Butter. 
I was so glad that found the cookies the right size for this craft. I wanted to use Jelly Beans as they so colorful and same sizes. But we had no enough for 70 boys :) And we never seen it in Ukraine. So we used M&M's. It was SO delicious! Mmmm!

Spreading the peanut butter on cookies

Boys themselves decorated coat of Joseph.

 They all were sooooo happy and soooo admired their work!!!!

Sweet kids were so blown away by the craft and overjoyed!!!! :) Even the caretakers liked it very much and asked all stuff for craft for other boys, who were not able to come to meeting.

And then they ate the sandwich-craft

"Mmm! It's so delicious! It's soooo yummy!" screamed out the precious boys.

We have been so happy seeing their smiling and such impressed sweet faces.I LOVE IT! Love to see their sparkle eyes and shining faces! Love their happy smiles and bring joy to these abandoned boys.Wish you be here and see their delight and great admiration :)

Thanks to you, Friends, for all your packages and donations. We won't able to bless these sweet souls without your support. Much love and God bless you! ♥


  1. What great ideas ! Did they all like the peanut butter ?
    Thank you for giving so much love to the children. :)

    1. Oh, yes, Nicole!Boys never ate peanut butter before, it was for first time ever. We do not have it in Ukraine. They LOVED peanut butter!
      We are so blessed serve them and thank God for this opportunity :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25