May 26, 2014

What a beautiful busy day

Last week was super busy! About one of these beautiful and busy days, I would love to tell you.

At the beginning we visited our precious graduating orphans and young agults from poor families in trade school.

It was so awesome that these 7 young guys came for our meeting first time! They never heard the Gospel and never holding and even seen the Bible.What a blessing!

We talked about that real love, relationship between a guy and a girl starts with friendship and gradually turns into love. We talked about what can be friendship between him and her.

We talked with the guys about premarital purity. That young girls and guys should keep their purity before marriage. God condemns pre-marital relationships and how many problems it all brings. That girls should keep themselves, but not defile their body. That each of them is beautiful as this rose.

Here Andrew told his wonderful testimony. The guys are very attentively and with amazement listened.

Then all present received a precious gifts, personal care items. There were socks, deodorant, shampoo, shower gel etc.

 Everyone was glad to get a gift!

At the end we had cookies and drink.
Do you know what? After a few minutes there was nothing left! I think next time buy more food. :)

We had an amazing time and fellowship with these precious souls!
When we were ready to leave this room. We were approached by several women that worked there. 
-Is this your blue vehicle? they asked. 
-Oh, how they wait for you! How they wait for you!- several times they repeated. 
They are so thrilled when see blue van!Come, visit them oftener. Perhaps your visit will help to change their lives and relationships.And we will be glad to see you. 

I think they have heard all what we talked about, even behind closed doors. But it was such a blessing to hear that these beautiful precious souls are waiting for BOM always. :) ♥
Some of them graduating this trade school in June and hope we can see them oftener.

Then we gone to another orphanage that would bring packages to these beautiful young ladies, from the sponsors.

There was lots of delight and joy :0)

Then having a lunch very fast, we met an one orphaned guy who were wandering on the street and who graduated orphanage few years ago. It was very sad to see him in this condition and hear his sad stories. We fed him and had a fellowship little with him. Then saying goodbye with this guy, we went to other orphanage. It was late some, around 7.30-8.00 pm. I thought that we will have a trouble from the administration of the orphanage that we came so late. :) We never visit orphanages so late because they have day regimen and we try do not break it. Go there only with permit of administrations.

But even on the contrary, all employees of the orphanage and kids were happy by meeting. Administration warmly greeted us and organized ​all. That we were able to have a little meeting with graduates.And presented these beautiful 20 towels. We call them "big candies" :)

All teens were glad by gifts and warmly thanked.

We came back home late, tired but happy!

THANK YOU all very much for all your love and care, for taking part in the project and sending packages! Here so many work. Wow!Thank you! Thank you on behalf of these beautiful souls! ♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25