May 23, 2014

It's a boy!!!

What a great joy and amazing blessing!!! It`s a boy! What a surprise! The little precious boy was born May, 10 to this world! Congratulations to sweet family!!!Zhenya, his happy mommy is feeling well and baby was born healthy and beautiful. Our young mother was expected a girl :) Thank you very much for all your prayers! Zhenya is very thankful for your support and prayers ♥

Look at this little angel!Isn't he precious?

We congratulated Zhenya at hospital and she was so happy!

 Then we brought food to their home as always. But sweetheart Vitya was sick. :( His teeth are growing, so he is feeling not well sometimes. Poor baby. And he always cried, as wanted to be with his mommy. Zhenya was at hospital about a week till  birth her second treasure.

 Now all sweet family is at home.We plan visit them next week, if God will allow.

I am very sorry for the late update! We are super busy now. Hope you will understand and forgive me :0)

THANK YOU for prayers and support of this poor family!Thanks your support and care, baby was born healthy and mother is feeling well.What a great blessing you are for them all! May God bless you!!!!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25