February 3, 2014


When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is check emails, read and publish comments on the blog, look what is happening on our BOM facebook page, read messages there, answer questions and so on and so on. I love to do it, even takes much time! :)

One morning while doing my usual work, I read this shocking comment on the blog:
"Omg Dasha is my sister...I'm her oldest sister Sasha who was adopted with Yana and Vitalik!!! I've been trying to find Dasha PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! THANK YOU!!!"

What?! Is it possible? Is it truth?!  Wow! It's incredible! It's a miracle!!!!!!!

By publishing a comment here, I could not believe it! After all passed so long time!My hands feverishly shook with excitement. What to do? What to do? How to contact them? Thoughts were running in my head.

Then I read this email: "Hello!!! I am Dasha's oldest sister Sasha who was adopted with Yana and Vitalik!!! I have been trying to find Dasha and I'm so happy to find her on this site!!! PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP!!! THANK YOU GOD BLESS!!!"

So, what happened friends?This incredible and fabulous news!!!!!Oh, my!!!

The young lady Dasha was trying to find her siblings, who were adopted many years ago and live in USA.
Soon it will be 3 years as I wrote HERE, and we tried to help Dasha find her siblings. HERE is some information that Dasha could give us. But it was useless till this time.  Thanks to this, on the blog Dasha`s relatives found her! This is amazing! After soooo many years!!!Wow!Our God is AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Since 1999-2001, FIRST TIME for so many years, siblings were able to see each other and talk on Skype with Dasha!!! Undoubtedly it was a VERY emotional moment, tears of joy and happiness, delight, surprise, love and much more!
Dasha with tears shared with us that all these almost 3 years, she prayed that God helped her to find her  3 sisters and brother. Isn`t amazing answer to prayers?

Another sister Dasha, Kristina, when she learned that her relatives were found, workers  of the orphanage could not comfort the poor girl, she so wept for joy. As they told us. Director of the orphanage gave us permission to come and chat on Skype.We took our laptop and modem. (There are no Internet and computer for kids). We praise the Lord for what he has arranged the Director heart to give us permit , because it was already a late hour. Undoubtedly, all employees are very happy for Kristina and could not wait to see communication with people  over the ocean :)

When Kristina seeing her siblings started crying, all those present could hardly contain their tears. It was such a touching moment.

Drawing for siblings <3  :)

Here is made a short video of this touching moment :)


This is a wonderful reunion of relatives and long awaited meeting, gives me hope to never give up! Do not give up, when you are in search of some relative, do not give up, if you are in fervent prayer for someone, do not give in eagerness, ANY work or ANYTHING!!!  NEVER GIVE UP but BELIEVE and WAIT!!!!  :)


  1. What an amazing blessing! I am so happy for Dasha and Kristina and their family, and hope that they will be able to visit one another someday soon. Meanwhile, many thanks to BOM for creating this wonderful opportunity for this family.

    You, BOM, and your country are in my prayers. Is mail being delivered regularly? I still have things to send you...

    Very best wishes from Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

  2. Thank you, Susan.We are so happy for all their family also!Yes, siblings of Dasha and Kristisna are going to come to Ukraine next summer, God`s will :)
    What a blessing it will be for all!

    Thanks a lot for prayers!The mail works well. Thank you for everything!!!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25