January 24, 2014

Our precious young mommies

Today is -18 C(0,4F)Brrr!But we stay warm and healthy, thanks God.

Guess, whom we could see and visit recently? Can you say, who is this? :)
This is "our" little princess Sophia!She is sunshine and little treasure.

Can you believe that she is 4 months old now?She grows so fast! She is so precious and sweet little angel.

Sophia is so darling! 

 Love her big beautiful eyes. Isn`t she beauty? :)

She is her mother Lena is doing ok for now. Thanks to your support, BOM has provided diapers that will be enough for several months for the little one.

Also we visited Zhenya`s family, where we met also her brother and her classmate Tanya. About whom I told you before. So, we could have a nice fellowship and helped with diapers too. 

Mommy loves her darling boy :)  Such a blessing to see it!

But we have more wonderful news for you!Do you remember we asked you to pray for Zhenya and her baby that she may lose him?So, our young loving mother visited a doctor and learned her little boy  is healthy and everything is well. She is not in risk any more lose him! Praise God!Praise God!Praise God!!!!!
Thank you so much for prayers!!!!! Zhenya was very thankful for your prayer support. But, please, keep praying for her and her family.

Also we have some news about Kozak Olya. I will update in next post. It will be little longer and different. :)


  1. I am so happy the baby and mother are doing well and give all praise and thanks to our gracious Lord and Savior and for providing BOM to this special mom to watch over and support them!! How excited you all must be and very relieved:) Such wonderful news keeps pouring forth from BOM as our Father does indeed always help in time of need, great and small!!! Wonderful news to hear! Bless the Lord! Hope you all are safe back home and the protesting in Ukraine will end peacefully and soon. As a side note...would it be possible to postpone the end date of Feb 1 for the special fund to raise $1300 for gifts to teenagers? It is such an important issue and perhaps we can all put forth more effort to pray for the Lord to supply the need. I, for one, am guilty of not bringing this to Him or giving to this fund and I am sorry. Perhaps there is more time?

    1. I am glad to know, this news made you happy, kimloudou!

      As you can see, the Lord has provided already needed funds. :) Praise the Lord! He is so good as always!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25