January 26, 2014

God's plans are the BEST!

We are so and so excited!Oh, how merciful and generous our Heavenly Father!!!! Our hearts are full of joy, sing and praise Him!

Only for a week we have raised $1,300 to help with personal care items teenagers and young adults in institutions!It's unbelievable!Praise God! Praise God! Only 4 people made it possible!Oh, my!
We are sooooo grateful to all, who made it possible not only by donations but prayers and telling others about this exciting fundraiser! Million times THANK YOU friends!!!!!

We are so thrilled to bless these 240 precious souls by these amazing gifts!Wow! Please, pray that God help us to organize this all. Thanks.


So, since this need has been met very fast and so unexpected. Our Saviour is amazing!

My beloved  friend Brianna, would love to help BOM with other fundraising. She is so lovely , (who always inspires and amazes me ;0) ) Christian very young lady, who has such big heart to the orphans in Ukraine. She leads blog CoverUpForChrist, and is very talented the owner of the Etsy shop, who supports BOM.

Brianna, wanted to help in Project with Care Items to Teens. This week she contacted over eighty Etsy shops and businesses.  Isn`t she amazing? :) Many people replied and said that they wanted to help,  over forty items have been donated! Wow! This is fabulous news!

Since God already has provided needed funds. God has the BEST plans! Does not He?  :)
So, this precious girl already has started another fundraising to help raise $3000 to hire caretakers for other 6 months in mental Institution, whom BOM hired recently.

If you would like to join in this new exciting fundraising. Please, follow this link HERE to find out more details how you can help and pray. We are soooo thrilled to see God's loving and caring hand in it! ;)
Thank you so very much for your participation!May God bless you!


  1. Hurray!! Praise God for supplying all the money for the Gifts for Teens!! Oh, me of little faith! Ha Ha! I wasn't sure this would be met...(for one thing I was off on the due date and thought there were only a few days left!)
    I have been reading through the blog from all of 2013 and the Lord has NEVER failed once!!! Such wonderful, beautiful answers to help you all. Sometimes He waited until the last minute but He is always faithful and worthy of all our trust. I am excited to pray for BOM, the orphans and graduates IN FAITH! No more doubt! :)

    1. kimloudou, sometimes I have a little faith too! :) And we never know how God will provide. But through the years He teaches us trust more. His ways always perfect and you are so right! He is always faithful and worthy of all our trust!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25