December 2, 2013

About income and budget

   Often teenagers after leaving the orphanages or boarding schools are not adapted to life. Orphaned children have great difficulties in life support. They do not know with whom to consult, how to keep house, do not know how to build your own life and to organize leisure. Graduates of orphanages have difficulty in solving small household tasks, such as baby care, cooking, documents and many others. Often do not have the skills to simple personal care,  for apartment etc. They can not plan their budget. Teenagers and young adults just do not know how to manage money.

These children need very significant adult, which directed them to the right decision , help, support, showing the care and God`s love. They just do not have somebody to tell them, as it is usually do parents in families.
To help children adapt to life must begin from childhood, but with this not very good in our country yet. After orphanage support necessary to orphans as air.

So this time we were talking with young people about money and their budget.The meeting was wonderful and awesome!
Our goal was to teach how to manage money and why it is so important to buy  before everything vital things.

I like that reading the Scripture, children wrote down important things in their notepads.

Nadya then showed how many food you can buy for a minimal amount that would be enough for a week, for an one person. It was not difficult as knowing their income as government pays a stipend, salary, pension, etc. We took a minimum income. Of course it's hard to buy the all vital things for $125  and live a month for these money. But having personal experience,  our goal was to teach how to live, not to survive.Of course it was took into account that BOM helps some young adults with housing thanks to your support.

The teens were amazed! So many! Wow!They loved it! 
(On the picture is much less food than it was before) :)

Then Olga and Sasha helped putting food without knowing that this blessing will be to them. :)

Yes, these all 3 bags were to their lovely family.When BOM delivered it to their home, Olga and Sasha were amazed and so happy by this huge blessing :)

The funniest and ridiculous the situation was during the meeting. When these precious souls did not believe that all of these purchase at the bags BOM paid about $56. They shouted. "No! It's impossible! We do not believe!" They thought we paid much more. :) But when looking carefully bill, they were so impressed! 
Trust me, it was so funny to observe! We laughed a lot :)))
Of course, the income that they have. This is a very small amount. And buy everything simply  is impossible. Therefore, thanks to your wonderful and generously support, these souls are not on the street, get the necessary medical care, get the necessary clothing or shoes, personal care items, etc. So our goal was to teach to use of the little what they have, correctly and wisely.

And then we all (minus 2 more guys) had a lovely chat over a cup of tea. Continuing debate about the money :)

Everyone was so glad by the meeting that no one wanted come back home. So sweet. :) Everything was so wonderful and fun!Praise God!


  1. Oh, we wish we could be sitting there with you all...having tea!!!

  2. Some day it will happen, Brianna!
    My favorite verse that gives me encouragement always. (Psalm 37:4) Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. :)

  3. I love this post and these pictures of these dear young people. What a blessing this lesson is to them!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25