August 14, 2013

Update about daughter of Nadya

My apologize to keep you waiting soooo long for news about Vlada, daughter of Nadya. We were very busy these two weeks. It was impossible and very hard to find a time.

Finally, Vlada was able to pass some medical tests and do tomography of the head. It is so sad and disappointing . But discovered another cyst. Thus poor girl has two cysts on both sides of the nose. :( One of them is very large and has for a year there!Oh, my! Thus it appears that surgery is inevitable...

One of the doctors said that if she will do the surgery but  by the old method. Nadya learned that  people after surgery by this old method,   their face swells up all over, sometimes people lose their sense of smell or partial vision and more. In short there are bad consequences. The precious girl has gradually started to lose part of her hearing. I do not know, or because of this disease ... Her loving mother is trying to find a doctor, who will agree to do the surgery by gentle manner without causing terror and not hurting her daughter.

Please, keep pray for healing of this sweet girl and God will lead Nadya to a good doctor.Thank you so much!!!

But even in these days of worries and fear, God shows His mercy and shows His power. Oh, how great and generous with his almighty hand!Our wonderful and merciful God has heard your prayers, my dear friends.
He sent all the necessary funds for this small treasure! And even more. He sent twice as much as was needed! Do you believe it? Oh, my!It is absolutely UNEXPECTED amazing blessing!
Nadya was ready to scream with joy and excitement. :) For a long time she still could not believe it and thought it was a dream.Vlada hotly thanked her Heavenly Father for the care and love. :)
Wow! AWESOME and such HUGE blessing!Praise the Lord!!!

A lot inordinately gratefulness for your generosity and such a huge handsome gift. Honestly, I did not expect, and this a huge blessing to my dear friend convicted me in disbelief.
THANK YOU very much for your kindness, love and tender care!Your generosity and care overwhelms our hearts, amazes and brings glory to our Lord Jesus. We may say the words "Thank you", but in reality we mean it much more deeply.My love to all!God is good as always!!! :)


  1. Praise the Lord for this provision. Praying a knowledgable doctor will be found to help Vlada. Love to you all, Becky

    1. Many thanks, Becky!We love you all and miss you much!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25