August 26, 2013

More news about Vlada

The first. I would love to thank for your prayers about Vlada. It is amazing and such great encouragement! It is so wonderful to receive your emails and notes, seeing your concern about this preciuos girl.
Nadya is so impressed by your love and care of her daughter. She is so excited to receive a note that someone, far away, across the ocean, loves her child. :) THANK YOU so much!!!

The second. I have not so good news. Several doctors  examined of Vlada. And they all say the same thing. 
That they can not do the surgery for Vlada, as she becomes a teenager. A several of weeks ago she turned 12 years old. 
If she will do the surgery now,  her face may be distorted or contorted, because she is still growing. The doctor prescribed treatment that would remove the headaches. Vlada takes all the necessary medications. 
Also, the doctor said that he needed to wait and see what happens. But no one knows HOW LONG to wait... :(

The doctor said that the best solution of this problem would be, if a cyst would blowed up  and everything came out by itself. Then would not have to do the surgery. Hmm.Maybe we have to pray for this? Do not know...

So we should pray unceasingly, wait patiently and see what will happen...
We kindly ask you, PLEASE, continue to pray for Vlada and her sickness. God will do something.Thanks a lot!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25