August 5, 2013

First few days

I am so much excited! The Lord Jesus is so merciful and gracious! Oh, how blessed we are serving our great God!God miraculously blesses to stay our friends - missionaries here.We have AWESOME and AMAZING days!Oh, how I wanted to convey to you all my feelings and joy that fills my heart.

Due to lack of time, I will briefly explain what is happening.

The Lord has given us the opportunity to visit our precious boys in an orphanage and hold Bible lesson.

This time we told them the story of two brothers, Jacob and Esau.

 They were thrilled! They loved to play the role of heroes.The guys were excited and excellently coped with their work.

Game on remembering the history and study of the Bible verse. A lot of guys would like to take part in the game and were so excited.Love this precious smile. :)

At the end, the boys were doing crafts and our friends were able to help those, who needed help.
 The meeting was simply amazing! For a long time these precious souls did not want to leave and say goodbye. Many of them asked when we come back...

Next day we could visit our sweet heart ones at summer camp and had great fellowship.

Then the next day we were able to visit family of dear Zhenya.Orphan girl, who gave birth to a precious boy a few months ago.

The Lord sent her the necessary food, a bit of kitchen utensils, clothes and diapers for the baby and other necessities.

Kitchen of Zhenya, where there are not necessary furniture :(

Crib, where sleeps the little darling...We plan to bring a better bed next time, with God`s help.

We also met with graduates of orphanages and had a great time.

Along the way, when we visited those sweet and precious to our hearts, our friends the missionaries had the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of our country. :)

I thank God I was born in this lovely country. :)

A huge thanks for all your prayers and support! Because of your great love and tender care, from the hearts and lips of those in need sounds glory and praise to God. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

During these few days, our friends fell in love with our country. Awesome! :)


  1. Hi Alla - how is Vlada doing?

    1. Dear Lisa, thank you very much for concern! We really appreciate it. I am going to update soon. And was going to do it every day... but we have been super busy with our missionaries-friends. I will do it as soon as I can.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25