July 31, 2013

We have guests!

I am so thrilled to announce to you, dear blog readers that we have 2 young guests from USA! Yay!How is exciting!

Andrew and Trevor
Andrew and Trevor will spend 2 weeks serving our Lord with BOM staff. It such awesome blessing to see young souls serving the Lord!
Andrew is a son of our wonderful friends and my dear friend Sabrina, who advocates, I would say of BOM and does so many awesome things to the ministry.So, it is a double blessing for us, so precious and lovely. :)
We are so thrilled to bring glory to the Lord Jesus and do His will with His children!!!Awesome blessing! :)))


  1. Thank you so much for welcoming the guys and taking care of them while they're there! We pray the Lord blesses the time. We love you all!

    1. We are just happy to serve them!;)Love you too!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25