July 20, 2013

Great news!

Praise God!!! Alleluiah!Jesus answered our prayers! He is so good! Finally, after long days of worries and trials, family Watkins  will be flying home on Sunday morning and be home for Lindsay's wedding. Passports are printed and everything is well!What a great joy! Many and many thanks for all your prayers, dear Friends!We are so blessed to have all of you!

But this family still needs huge quantity of money. If the Lord gives you a wish, and you feel in your heart to help them or you have any questions or wishes. You can contact them to this address. Andrea Watkins <kalavaan8@gmail.com> Thank you! They are amazing family and deserve it. I have a reason to think it.  :)  May God bless you!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25