January 15, 2013

The new project- Windows for Orphanage

Since the need for care givers was funded more quickly than we expected and even much more money came in  for it. Ten For Orphans agreed with Grace Haven Ministries wishes to help BOM in the next project.It`s so awesome blessing!We are so thankful!

So, our wish is to help to an orphanage, where are only boys with special needs, ages 5-35 years old to replace these horrible windows.
Why? The building of the orphanage, where they spend most of their time is huge and there are more than 150 windows.
The orphanage is very poor do not have the funds to replace the windows.Director told us once that during strong storms, the care givers and older boys have to hold the windows so the wind does not pull them out.Also during the winter, it is very cold there.You can imagine through what these poor boys have to go.

They feel cold and unprotected there...
 The staff of the orphanage does everything that  winterized  windows but nothing helps because these windows are more than 50 years old and are useless.Can you imagine? It`s is 50 years old!

The expense to replace 20 windows is $4,350. As $1,065.96 came in above the need for caregivers, so we will apply that toward this need. It`s  25% of funds needed for windows!God already began to bless before start-up of this project.The need is 3,284 more.

The price includes 20 new windows, payment to workers to replace them also price for building materials and payment to workers to do esconsons or escarp around windows inside.It is other job what orphanage unable to pay.By other word it includes everything that orphanage would have absolutely new windows and boys feel warm and safe.
We have not much time while Ten For Orphans and Grace Haven can help us, only 16 days.

Will you please join us in this big project to see the joy of boys?As it is only  their "home".
We kindly would like to ask you to spread the word about this need, donate if you can.But most of all pray.Pray God open Heavenly windows and poured out His blessings above to bless these dear souls. As He did in our previous project.

Tax deductible donations can be made HERE or on the right side of our blog, where it says "Windows for Orphanage" it will go to Grace Haven Ministries or through chip-in on our blog.Thank you so much for any, even a little bit help!God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25