January 18, 2013

I do not have pneumonia!

I`m so excited and so thankful to each of you, who prayed for my health!I praise God, He absolutely healed me from this sickness!Many, many and many thanks for your support and prayers!You have been so great encouragement for me but especially in heavy days and I thank God and pray for you.My love to you all. :)
Thank you very much to be so amazing blessing!

I had days when I felt better and had days when it became worst.During all this period I had peace in heart and I believe because of your prayers. :) And I had days when I felt so bad and I cried as small girl and felt so weak physically and emotionally and pleaded Jesus to be merciful to me. I do not remember that I was sick so long by chills or similar to it.More than 7 weeks, it was long journey of sickness for me.I prayed and wanted to visit dear ones and beloved children and do other things in ministry.But Jesus worked...He tenderly and lovely worked in my sinful heart. He wants that I serve Him with whole my heart, as never before that I burn more for Him.His desire is that I would be much closer to Him and hear His voice.I felt physically so bad that felt myself like in burning furnace as three young men in Bible.It was His work, to melt my heart and make as His heart...Somewhere in the end of my sickness, I felt peacefully and easier much more in my heart than before sickness.It was His work through my sinful flesh.

And He even opened and gave me an answer to my question, about what I had not peace in my heart sometime.I could not understand, it was something strange...When it came back to my heart I thought it was my wrong thinking,it is my flesh.But when I began thinking, I not felt peace in heart again and again.It was so strange and I could not understand why?Even it was and is good, as Bible says.But God opened to me,  WHY I did not feel peace about it and I`m so thankful to Him!God spoke to my heart through a whole year I just could not understand what is that and why...What He wanted to say to me.Now I know!I believe God protected BOM from many troubles in the future!Jesus taught me many times and I learn not do something, when I do not feel peace in heart.Yes, I do mistakes but I learn to walk by His narrow way. Sometimes it`s really heavy when you have to give quick an answer. Jesus allows us fall down and do mistakes that we understand that we can do nothing without Him. And only with Him, trusting and belonging to Him and to walk by narrow way, we are blessed. I love Jesus and so grateful He saved me from hell some years ago and  feeling so greatly blessed to be His child!Jesus is so good!

Thank you very much again for your prayers and took time to read these thoughts.Much love to you all!


  1. so grateful you are better!! I too am so grateful for my salvation and what that means in my life in the big and small things. ~Trina Scoda

    1. Thank you so much, Trina!Some day, if not on the earth here but in the Heaven I will meet and hug you as dear sister in Christ :)

  2. The Lord uses everything, even illness. I am thankful you are well,and even moreso that you have grown closer to Him because of this time. I pray that your health will continue to improve, growing stronger everyday. We love you and keep you in prayer. -The Duffy's

    1. Ah, thank you so much for sweet words!Just melts my heart...

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart of faith. God is so good to us!

    Love you, dear sister!

    1. Surely, He is so good!Love you too, sweet sister! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25