October 29, 2012

Olya and Sasha have all necessary funds!

Ok. I wish to share one more amazing blessing with you. We are sooo excited! I think that you already guessed from the name of this post :)
Yes! Yes! YES!Olya and Sasha, our young parents, have already all necessary funds! We are so much glad and happy for them! We thought to raise necessary funds $1765 till the end of December of this year and it would be fine. But didn't pass EVEN MONTH as the Lord blessed surprisingly! One wonderful person blessed $1445 that completely to cover needs of our lovely teenagers. It is surprising and we have one more huge miracle! Hallelujah!It`s AMAZING!!!

Thanks a lot to all for prayers and donations! Look, what does the Lord Jesus and how surprisingly cares of needy souls! Thanks a lot for your surprising care, great kindness and amazing generosity. Many thanks for your open hearts and unindifference to needs of the poor and involvement in our ministry.

 Thanks for that to help Sasha and Olya to live for a year in the rented apartment, to grow up their delightful and sweet kid, Edik. Thank you that to help with their remaining daily needs, medicines, the food, different expenditures etc. Many thanks for everything that you do, dear friends, from bottom of our hearts!
For one need it is less!God is soooo good!!!We are in awe!

That is not all! I`m going share with you one more amazing blessing! :)


  1. PRAISE THE LORD!! May the giver, the receiver and all of you at BOM be blessed beyond your wildest imaginations. This makes me so encouraged as we are needing God to do some great big things on our behalf as well. He is worthy to be praised!!!!~Trina S.

  2. WOW! That's amazing! God is good. Thank you whoever did that.

  3. Wonderful news!

    Little Edik is so cute and chubby - it's clear he is blessed with two good and loving parents (and lots of good friends from BOM!:-)).

    Thanks for sharing all this good news.

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

  4. Похваліть Бога. Що благословення!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25