May 7, 2012

We are ready!

We are so excited!We are ready to go and to visit graduates!We are so thrilled and so overwhelmed by your amazing love, Friends.Wow!I simply do not have words!How your hearts are opened to help these kids in their need.We appreciate each donating and prayer, each spreading the word and any, even a bit helping.
You are amazing friends and we are so blessed to have all of you!Thank you SO much!!!

I would love very much to share with you about some wonderful and great blessings we have in this project to graduating teens.

  The first.We were ready to finish this project because time expired and there were very few days. Despite that, that we didn't have 30 blankets, it is for one more orphanage. Because this week we already are going to visit graduates. 
But our God-almighty and so good! He thinks and makes not as we. The Lord sent us enough for 30 blankets!As you remember we bought only 50 of them. We were shocked and so happy!Wow! Really we did not expect that!It`s such amazing blessing!

  The second.So our plans changed and we immediately went on the same bazar, on the same place, to buy more blankets. We were soooo excited!

  The third. We packed and already prepared gifts for all 80 graduating children!Yay!!!They are simply beautiful!We love them and how it looks! :)

  The fourth blessing. We raised IN TIME as planned and ENOUGH that to bless each orphan those gifts that we wanted.It`s simply amazing!!!
We thought and worried a little. Will we raise enough fund? Will we raise in time? Will bless the Lord as last year He blessed? Our Saviour and Heavenly Father is mighty and great!He never is late and sends just in time! He blessed even MORE than we could expect or thought.All glory to the Lord Jesus!!!

 The fifth. Tomorrow we are going to visit the first orphanage with graduates.What a blessing!

Your love is so great and wonderful!We have so many magnificent blessings thanks to you, sweet friends!!! We love you and praise God for you!Can not wait to visit our teens tomorrow and share with you about our trip.  :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25