April 26, 2012

Update about project

I`m very exciting to tell you that today at night we are going to one of biggest bazars in Ukraine, buy gifts to graduating kids.Same bazar where we bought recently Gifts to orphans.You have to remember how God blessed and we had successful journey :) Same bazar where we bought gifts to graduating kids a year ago and we had wonderful shopping too.

   This project, Gift to Graduates is not finished yet.We still necessary to raise fund, to buy blankets to other children.We are worry that we can be not in time.Because of Euro 2012 and next almost two weeks will be holiday in Ukraine, what bring a trouble for us with shopping and visiting orphans.So, we decided to go and buy everything for that we already have.These holidays, end of the education year, Euro 2012, sometimes is heavy to organize everything, be in time, to visit orphans, etc.
   But anyway we are VERY exciting!!!As I told you before, we already have enough to buy kitchen utensils to all 80 orphans.Also we already able to buy 29-30 blankets(depends from a price). What a great blessing!Thanks everyone for your prayers and support!God is so good!Your some donations were so generous!It brought for us so much joy, tears of happiness and glory to the Lord.

   I`m just wonder.Will bless our Heavenly Father this shopping and project as a year ago.Our dear and beloved friends made a blog to raise fund, whom we will be forever grateful.They enclosed all their efforts with all their hearts to help orphans.Thank you so much, Courtney and Brianna!Also some of you have been part of this project and have to remember how God greatly blessed this journey and shopping.We saw and felt your sacrificial love and care, your sensitive kindness and mercy.
  And this time and this year we just wonder and already excited.Because we see God`s hand in many ways.We see how God opens sweet your hearts to help our dear children in their needs.We appreciate each $!!!We see and feel your mercy love and great care!Thank you, dear Friends!!! We simply do not have enough words to thank you.We never would not have so many wonderful blessings without all of you!

   Please, will you pray we have successful and safely traveling, as it is long trip?Please, pray God will bless and we were able to buy blankets to other children.Time is running out... And we have very and very short time.We still necessary to raise fund to help others.
We know many of you praying for us, that is WHY we have SO MANY great blessings!Thank you so much! :)
Lots of  love and hugs!

P.S.I have so many exciting blessings to share with you. Sometimes I think why God created 24 hours at day and night?Why not 26 or 28? :)))

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25