April 6, 2012

Orphaned children received a blessing from the Lord!

Finally our beloved and dear friends, we can share with you one more awesome blessing!This week we were able to deliver gifts to one of orphanages!
I know that many of you look forward a pictures of happy smiles of kids when they receive gifts :)

This visitation was soooo blessed and amazing!!!We had a great time with children!

On first picture are gifts to this orphanage which were packed for each class(grade).It`s so many!Wow!We were excited so much!

Next several pictures are our Bible time with orphans.We talked about prayer with them.Nadya told them story about Hannah and Samuel.We had puppet show, sang several songs etc.

We played a game, where they gave correct answers to questions on Bible story.As we played game, to feed of Samuel.It was funny when they placed in wrong place the paper feeding-bottle because were blindfolded.Children were excited to play at this game very much!

And next pictures are which gifts received children.

These gifts for smallest kids, boys and girls age of 6-11 years old.There were in each gift necessarily toothpaste, socks, soap, undershirt and summer shoes. But other items, such as the book-coloring, a puzzles, a doll, rainbow game, a hairpin, a soap bubble etc. we  placed 2-3 things in dispersion, who what will get.Each gift was signed by surname and a class of child, according to the list that we had.

These gifts were for girls of older age, 12-16 years old. We have placed there necessarily items, such as: tooth-paste, soap, shampoo, a deodorant and summer footwear. And  hairpins for hair were different, who what will get.

In gifts for older boys, we placed for everyone, a toothpaste, soap, a deodorant, summer footwear and shower gel.Some boys didn't know what such is the shower gel. It was necessary to explain how to use it.

Next pictures of children are receiving these gifts. Were children happy? Absolutely!!! It was very joyful to see their shining eyes and lovely smiles.It was amusing to hear how they cried out "look at that, I have that or that!Wow!"

Kids were sooooooo much impressed!


Older kids

Do you see these precious kiddies on video?They are smallest ones.It was sadly some that they could not be with us at Bible time, during the program.They had nap time and came later.

But how they were happy to receive gifts!
They were impressed and admired by them!

Children started at once to unpack and rejoice by gifts. Some started to start up soap bubbles. Girls shouted from delight that they have hairpins and elastic(head) bands for hair! There was so much joy and admiration! :)
Thanks sweet friends! Thanks to you, children could receive the most necessary. Thanks to you, children rejoice and receive so many positive emotions and admiration! Thank you for care of them and showing them God's love and mercy.I`m sure kids would hug you as they did for us.  :)
Administration and teachers of the orphanage were VERY thankful to you and rejoiced with kids.

But there is one more blessing.

Unfortunately many children couldn't be present during the program because many are ill now. Some children are in an sick-room(infirmary) of orphanage and some in hospital. But just in time we could bring them blessing from the Lord! Here I spoke that we are going to deliver medicines to an orphanage what we bought before. It was just in time. Now many children and adults start to have flu or cold :(

These guys just received medicines when we have come.

The medic, she was very grateful for this blessing. :)

Look at these precious kids happy by their gifts whom we visited, as they could not be with us because of their sickness.God has consoled them during their illness thanks to your donations and care.

Many thanks for all your prayers and support! Thanks for all what you do to bring joy and blessing to children!Many blessings and sweet moments with your sweethearts!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25