April 11, 2012

The first Birthday!

We dreamed and prayed long time that to have the Birthday holiday for orphans. We know on how many this day is important for them. It is very sad and heartbreaking that in their special day nobody pays to them attentions, nobody congratulates, no balloons, sweets, friends who share your joy and many another. Our desire and a request to the Lord, was to make this day special and being remembered in their life.

Do you know what? God heard our prayers! It`s something awesome!!!
In orphanages where we conduct Bible lessons, we each time take with ourselves toys or any gifts that to congratulate orphans. They very much wait for it! Often when we only will arrive to an orphanage, children already on a threshold say: "А I had a Birthday!" They wait for gifts and congratulations VERY MUCH!!!

But in our hearts we wanted to make something bigger...

Once we approached to administration of an orphanage and asked can we make Birthday party for boys?
Administration was very happy to hear that!So, boys had FIRST Birthday party!Can you believe that? Some boys are more than 28 years old...All orphanage came to see that.There were of 20 birthday boys.

We had fun time!Songs, games etc. Brother Misha congratulated them and told a well-wishing from the Bible.

It was sadly a little that boys had not a cream cake.Administration of orphanage is afraid that they will not have a trouble with stomach.So, boys had of cottage cheese cake.

But boys and staff were AMAZED by gifts!   With your support we were able to buy these gifts and have presented to children.And also sent beautiful toys by you, we could to bless them.

Our beloved boys were very happy and excited by their gifts!

Other 8 boys were sick at this time and could not be with us. :( But they also received their gifts!What a joy was there!

 The staff was VERY thankful! But we could not do it without you, friends!Thank you so much to bring them blessing and make their day very special!

The staff asked us to help with program to celebrate the next boys with their birthday.We have some ideas but we need God`s help and blessing.
We have decided with administration of orphanage to celebrate boy`s birthdays each 3 months.
But we need your help, sweet friends. Please, can you send toys here we can bless children? These soft toys are very expensive here.It`s unreal to buy.

We necessary different games or toys for boys age 4-30 years old.Boys age of 30 years old, same as they are 18 years old.So, that is fine if you would send them any game or toy for age of 16-18 years old.

Probably somewhere there are toys that aren't necessary to you or your children don't play them but they are in good condition. Or probably there is a possibility to your children to collect them at school or in church? We would be very grateful! And children which never received such gifts, would be VERY happy!!!Thank you so much for your help!We appreciate it very much!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25