April 30, 2012

Boys and gifts

I know.I know that many of you our sweet friends are waiting update about our shopping to graduating teens.Did we buy everything we needed?Did we have successful journey and shopping?YES!!!We had absolutely great day!We are so exciting!I`m very thrilled to share with you how God blessed us!I will tell you about that very soon.Hope today.Thank you so much for prayers!Our God is so good and awesome!

But here I would love to tell you what a blessed visit we had with boys with special needs.This is last orphanage where orphans could to receive gifts from you.

When we only arrived to the orphanage, children so rejoiced and were excited.We had wonderful and blessed time with them.
At the beginning we sang with them, studied the new song with gestures. They sooooo rejoiced to sing and glorify the Lord!

Also we had time for games when boys fed each other.

All hall simply laughed loudly :)

But the most important was a part of our program when we said about friendship that Jesus is our best Friend who always understands us when nobody understands which will listen to us at any time and day and night, who forgives all time, which loves us and accepts isn't dependently who we are and how we act or do.

We took history for a basis about David and Jonathan. :) It was the great honor to these boys to play the role in this history. They were so glad and did it so well.

But as in each orphanage, children very much loved to shoot from bows! It was is so thrilling!They were sooooo excited to shot arrows!It was awesome to see their joy!!!
Even when we finished the program and already collected things, older boys still played and asked the bow and arrows again and again.

At the end of the program we provided to our beloved boys the same gifts that we granted in orphanages. Here and here. Only these gifts were prepared to boys and everyone was signed by their surname and a name as we did in orphanages before.So, each of them had personal gift from the Lord.

Oh, my goodness! How many there was pleasure, joy and delight! You would see their shining eyes and happy smiles!

I love this precious smiles! :)

Boys were amazed by their gifts!"Wow!That is great!Wow!That is wonderful!" we heard all the time.

The administration of the orphanage admired and said that it is gorgeous gifts!!!They thanked much and rejoiced very strongly this blessing for children.They were amazed by your love and care!

A short video. :)

Happy boys with their gifts.

He loves to make pictures. :)

So, we had so wonderful and awesome meeting with our sweet boys!They received so much joy, admiration and blessing from our Heavenly and loving Father who cares of orphans.

Dear our beloved Friends, we would love to thank you for help in this project, Gifts to Orphans.All orphans would not receive soooo much joy and this great blessing without your taking part, without your help and opened your hearts.We even can not find enough words to thank you.We will be forever grateful to each of you, for your help and being hands of Jesus.Thank you for your Christian love and care!Many thanks from bottom of our hearts!!!We are amazed by your great love and gentle care! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!
Hugs and love from all BOM!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25