February 18, 2012

urgent- Please, do NOT visit our website!

Please, do NOT visit our website bibleorphanministry.com for a while we fix it!A spammers has broken our website.It can automatically take you to a weird site where it can pretending to be scanning your computer!!!  Our website comes up associated with an online drugstore! Oh, that is terrible! And it says that the website is compromised! It`s when you search and enter through Google.We do not want you have a trouble.So, please, do not visit our official website BOM for a while.Be careful. Thank you!
Spammers broke our website in third time, just for this year.How we can protect ourself??? :(

Oh how this world is sinful and Satan works everywhere, if only to make any little harm...

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25